Dancers have always been classified as different than "normal people." We can kick our head with our leg, we strap death traps called pointe shoes on our feet, and we can learn choreography in the blink of an eye. Dancers develop these strange little habits that foster some interesting looks from the general public. Here are just a few weird things that dancers do that "normal people" just don't get.
1. We prefer to sit on the floor.
Chairs are just so confining. I need room to stretch out my legs.
2. We don't like to wear shoes.
3. We dance in public places.
If you have never done a leap down the aisle of a grocery store (or at least wanted to), can you even call yourself a dancer?
4. We go to parties purely to dance.
5. We put our legs on stuff.
The kitchen counter is actually meant for stretching our legs.
6. We work out in addition to dancing.
"You don't need to workout, you dance." - every non-dancer ever.
7. We spend hours in an empty room.
When you think about it, dance studios are really just empty rooms with mirrors in them, but dancers can't get enough of them.
8. We wear spandex basically all the time.
You are #fancy when you are wearing jeans.
9. We voluntarily put ourselves in pain.
Bruises, blisters, and soreness are part of the daily routine. No pain, no gain.
10. We do weird little movements when we are thinking about dance.
In your mind, you are doing the choreography full-out, but what it actually looks like is some weird head twitching and hand gestures.
11. We leap over puddles.
Why step over a puddle when a full-on grand jete is so much more fun?
12. We penche to pick things up.
When you lean over, the leg just naturally goes up.
13. We choose dance over everything else.
No, I can't skip dance to hang out with you (and I don't want to).