Finals are fast approaching, and you know what that means: Procrastination nation. So, here's a list of things that everyone does when they should really be studying...
1. Watch Netflix- In my case, it would be every cooking show with Alton Brown.
2. Watch YouTube- Studio C or Messy Mondays all the way.
3. Nap-Because who wants to read Rip Van Winkle when you can try to sleep for 20 years instead?
4. Go to McDonald's- Who doesn't need a McFlurry and chicken nuggets at 10 P.M.?
5. Check Facebook- Stalking your 2nd cousin's camp counselor's step-brother is way more important than homework.
6. Refresh Facebook over and over- It's been 2.5 minutes, why don't I have a new notification?
7. Go bother your friends while they try to study- We have to finalize our plans for January.
8. Go Pinterest shopping- A.K.A. look at pictures of stuff I can't, and will never be able to, afford.
9. Sing and dance- No matter how bad you are at it.
10. Clean your dorm room- Although you honestly should be doing that anyway.
11. Do your laundry- Yeah, you should be doing that too.
12. Call your parents with stupid questions- "Hey, Mom, can I wash that in cold water?"
13. Study- Yes, sometimes studying for one class is just procrastinating for another.
Don't freak out if you procrastinate. Just consider it part of the college experience. And here's one more GIF that has accurately described my college experience: