As a child of divorce, not only have I seen true love, I have also seen true love fall into pieces. Everyone enters relationships wanting them to last long, knowing at the same time, it's possible they won't. When your first heartbreak isn't because of your own first love, but because of the divide between your parents the way you give and take love changes.
1. I love cautiously since I've seen heartbreak and not just in my own life, I take commitments very seriously and don't make them often. When I let someone into my life, I do so with awareness. I try to be as observant as we can, searching for any red flags that could potentially cause a disaster.
2. I believe in second chances. This one is huge for me because watching my mother go through the heartbreak that she did and then years later meeting the love of her life, made me believe that everyone deserves a second chance at love.
3. Love means questioning everything. I may ask why over and over, even when I know the answer. Sometimes I need to reaffirm your love, just to make sure it's still there.
4.Confrontation makes my skin crawl. I am a very non-confrontational person as a result of my parent's divorce. For me, fighting means leaving, so avoiding the fight is usually my go to. Getting yelled at is terrifying to me, and when I do something wrong I am the first to admit it to avoid problems.
5. I love unconditionally. I try to give all the love I can as a way to make it last. I won't hate you for mistakes, I won't give up on you when things get hard.
6. Abandonment terrifies me. I've seen my father walk out the door without returning, which is why abandonment is such a frightening thing for me. I tend to be a bit clingy because I can't help but imagine the day that you'll disappear.
7. I give up far too late. Where others might have thrown in the towel long ago, I tend to walk the extra mile to save a relationship. I believe that if something is real, it's worth the fight.
8. I'm a hopeless romantic. My hope for a true, perfect love will always be there as will the doubt that such love exists.
9. I communicate like it's my job. After all, I saw what lack of communication can do to a relationship. All I want is the truth, even if it is uncomfortable or brutal. Simple phrases like "it's fine" or "no worries" drive me insane because I instantly feel the lack of communication.
10. I try to be optimistic. I've heard it a million times "it just wasn't meant to be." I can't help but think that no matter what happens we'll be able to work it out in the end.
11. I forgive easily. If you rip out my heart, I'll still answer your 3 a.m texts. There was always a time when I thought my parents would forgive each other, so for me, leniency seems necessary.
12. I'm heavily guarded. I've seen my mother in her most vulnerable state as a result of her divorce, as a result, I guard my heart and body as a way to protect them from any pain they might face.
13. I'm hard to love. The requirements, the constant need for validation, and desire for love, I am not the easiest of partners. But in return, I love with everything I have.