Last week, I shared an article about my five resolutions for 2017 that I believe are easy to achieve and perfect for my goals for the year. However, I didn't discuss ways that you can achieve your resolutions or how I plan to achieve mine. I have already set things into motion for how I hope to begin to lose weight and remember to do certain things as the year goes on. Below you will find all of the easy ways I have decided to get my resolutions for 2017 done!
1. Don't use weight loss methods that involve regularly spending money (because income isn't always stable).
2. Ask others to keep me accountable, especially my roommates and the people I spend the most time around.
3. Set up reminders, whether they be digital, in a planner, or notes left around the apartment.
4. Don't make it a "have to" but a "want to." If it's not something I feel pressured by, I am more likely to do it.
5. Set up tangible rewards for small goals and tangible rewards for big goals (a cheat day, a pedicure, new shoes, etc).
6. Make up small goals to mark progress along the way.
7. Track the different things I have tried in a journal.
8. Write with friends, which can help motivate all of us to write more.
9. Find new recipes! Eating the same healthy meals over and over can make dieting very hard.
10. Find new workouts! Just running on a treadmill and lifting weights is never enough for me.
11. Practice more yoga, maybe looking into challenges? I love doing yoga so finding a yoga challenge will definitely help me.
12. Say yes to more things. This is also a resolution of mine, but it will help me achieve my other resolutions.
13. Do more self-care. A bubble bath or facemask can go a long way in helping foster growth and self-love. If I self-care more, I feel more positive.
14. Create a prayer wall to reference every day. I did this in the summer of 2016 and it worked out very well for me, in helping me pray more and grow closer to God.
15. Don't allow myself to get discouraged. The point of my resolutions is to not get discouraged by any presumed failures in my year.
I really believe I will be able to achieve my goals and resolutions in 2017! I have set tangible goals and I have different methods to help myself along the way. I hope everyone else is able to achieve in the new year.