Finals week is officially over, and it's time to go home and relax for the summer. But for some reason, you just can't shake that panicky, anxious feeling from finals week that college students know all too well. Here are some ways to de-stress after one of the most stressful weeks of the year:
1. Give yourself the spa treatment.
Run a nice, hot bath, maybe throw in some bubbles and a bath bomb. Light some scented candles, dim the lights, slather on a mud mask, and just let yourself soak in bubbly bliss. Listen to some music, or just listen to your thoughts as you relax. You'll be sure to come out of that bath feeling brand new!
2. Spend an afternoon coloring.
Adult coloring books are the newest fad, and they really do help to ease an anxious mind! Spend a few hours coloring those intricate designs while you listen to your favorite music, and you'll be amazed at how relaxed you'll feel when you're finished!
3. Go out for a picnic in the sun.
Go with friends, a significant other, or even have a peaceful picnic by yourself! Just find a nice, quiet area in your yard, a park, or a field, and pack a bag of your favorite foods to snack on. You can never go wrong with an afternoon in the sun!
4. Spend an afternoon binge watching Netflix.
Now is your chance to binge watch your favorite series on Netflix without the guilt that comes with procrastination!
5. Lay in the grass.
There is something so incredibly calming about the coolness of grass on a warm spring day. Take some time out of your day to just lay in some fluffy grass and daydream about the summer that lay ahead of you.
6. Get lost in a book.
There is never enough time to read an enjoyable book during the hectic semester. Go to the bookstore or borrow a book from your local library. There is absolutely nothing more relaxing then spending an entire afternoon getting lost in a good book.
7. Spend an afternoon baking.
Bake your favorite, family recipes, or try out some baking ideas from Pinterest. Either way, you end up with a ton of delicious food and you'll have a lot of fun while making it!
8. Have a bonfire with friends.
It's hard to spend time with friends back home during the semester. Invite them over for a barbecue or a bonfire. You'll have fun catching up with friends, and the stress will just melt away.
9. Have a device detox.
Social media is a big contributor to stress, so try spending an afternoon away from your electronic devices. It will be difficult at first, but you'll feel a lot more connected to the real world at the end of the day.
10. Go somewhere new.
Now that you have the time, go outside and explore! Go see what's at the end of that trail you've always wondered about, or go check out that new restaurant a few streets over. Exploring someplace new will help get your mind off of the stressful week you've just gone through.
11. Turn off all your clocks.
Our days are dictated by clocks. Try turning off or ignoring your clocks for a day and just live for the moment instead of counting the hours. The day will seem longer, and you'll feel a lot more freedom than you would if you were keeping track of the time all day.
12. Get crafty.
Take out that box of old pictures under your bed and organize them into a scrapbook, or take a trip to your nearest craft store and see what creative ideas you can come up with. Keeping yourself busy will keep you from worrying about your pending finals results!
13. S.L.E.E.P.
Because what else is vacation good for?!