13 Ways For A College Student To Liven Up | The Odyssey Online
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13 Ways For A College Student To Liven Up

Various ways to break that mid-quarter slump.

13 Ways For A College Student To Liven Up

I'm only a first year in college, but nevertheless, I have had my fair share of moments when I have had zero energy and felt entirely unmotivated. Through periods of stress and anxiety, it’s easy to disregard your own well-being and put 101% into something that really may not matter in the long run. I’m not trying to convince you that ignoring an assignment or procrastinating on a project is the ideal decision; however, when you feel that you're at a stand-still in life, you may be better off opting for an activity that will liven you up. Below I've outlined a few of my favorite pick-me-ups that I go to when everything else in life seems terribly monotonous:


I’m not advising you to simply get in a car alone and aimlessly drive somewhere but instead recruit a friend or two and drive to an exciting destination. Driving with music loud enough that it drowns out the wind from rolled down windows is a good way to remind yourself that you’re alive.


Outdoor exercises of any sort, really. Giving your body a workout is good both mentally and physically and can wash away a layer of sluggishness easier than perhaps any other activity. Good views and potential picnic opportunities are added bonuses.


Whether I’m stressed, frustrated, upset, or just generally not at ease, I find that regimenting my life in a planner is extremely helpful. Whether you’re a type A of type B person, organizing in whatever form always has the potential to rejuvenate an otherwise groggy day.

Trying something new.

Monotony is possibly the biggest reason behind feeling unmotivated. We slip into routines that truly require no energy yet at the same time completely drain us- they’re activities we do on a day to day basis. We wake up, ready ourselves for the day, eat breakfast, trudge to class, etc. Even something as simple as taking breakfast outside or waking up early to get in a run can change the outlook of your day.

Writing out your schedule.

Similar to the organization tip, writing out a schedule allows you to feel more in control of your life. Being in control reduces the amount of roadblocks you may face and eases your mind about otherwise daunting to-do list items.

Go thrift shopping.

Or flower shopping. Maybe even skate-shop shopping. Not that purchasing items you don’t need is always beneficial, but I find browsing nonsensically is calming. Allowing yourself to smell the roses (literally), or try on some jackets you definitely won’t end up wearing.

Get off your phone.

Walking through campus, a majority of people walking around have their eyes locked on their phone. I can say with almost certainty that they’re using their phone as a way to avoid eye contact or any other type of confrontation, (I am guilty of this as well), but it is in no way good for your neck, eyes, or mental wellbeing for that matter. Your phone has very limited benefits to your overall health, so be the minority that doesn’t fixate on your phone and lend your attention to something new.

Ditch social media.

... for a while. Studies show that teenagers spend roughly 9 hours on social media…a day. Not only should our generation work to change that statistic, but we should rid ourselves of the numerous negative mindsets social media instills. Feeling unimportant because of a strangers social media presence? Not a thought that should be floating through our minds, yet it always seems to in just about anyone with a smart phone. Cleanse yourself of those thoughts, even if it's just for a day.

Read a book.

If I had a dime for every time my parents said these words to me... While exercising will invigorate your body, reading invigorates your mind. It introduces us to new time periods and diverse people in a way we can be completely disconnected but also fully absorbed. Not only that, but purchasing books is almost always a good investment. Our book shelves upstairs are lined with the several tattered and ripped paper-backs from when my dad was a kid, and although the physical appearance is worn the material inside is timeless.

Take public transportation.

... to the nearest major city. As a self proclaimed mountain-town kid, there wasn’t much of public transportation where I’m from, and the unfamiliarity of it is exciting. Visiting the nearest city is double the excitement as there's an endless amount to see and explore in densely populated and industrialized hubs. Not only that but every time you take a bus/train rather than a car, you’re doing your part in decreasing a rapidly growing carbon footprint.


... in what you’re passionate about. Whether it be sports, a hobby, or an academic endeavor, do one thing a day that makes you feel proud/confident in yourself.

Meet more people.

Hearing different perspectives from a variety of people changes your outlook on life and gives you a fresh mindset with which you can use to pursue each new day.

Create something.

A list of reasons why you need to break a certain habit. A short film you shot on your iPhone. A shower Spotify playlist. A training guide for a half marathon. A home-made tapestry, (I certainly don’t want to pay $60 for one from Urban Outfitters). No matter your creative abilities, always be actively conquering tasks that rid the monotony from your life. Do not allow a stagnant lifestyle prevent you from always feeling alive.

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