Being a first-semester freshman isn't easy. You had big expectations for college, then you got there and found that the University of Maryland had an even bigger campus. You had to learn how to get to class, where the best place to eat are, and how to navigate the streets of College Park. It's an uphill battle for a couple weeks, but then you get the hang of it. Here are 14 things every freshman at UMD learns by the end of the first semester.
1. Unlimited dining is a blessing and a curse.
Everyone loves the "free" food from the Diner, especially those in the Ellicott Community. Can you say easy access? But eating a second dinner every night can really take a toll on your waistline. Freshman 15 here we come!
2. Cover your ears on the first Wednesday of the month.
It's 11:55 a.m. and the sirens start blaring. No, we're not under attack. It's just a test of the UMD Alert Emergency Notification System. Everyone can calm down now.
3. UMD Alerts are not few and far between.
Speaking of UMD Alerts...the text and emails about armed robberies have sort of lost their meaning. But no need to fear, the UMD Police got this.
4. The fourth floor of McKeldin is your happy place.
Until it's finals week and everyone thinks they're entitled to the table you've been sitting at all semester.
5. An email from MyDRL brightens your day.
Mail time! What could it be? Whether it's a care package from your parents or the Amazon order you've been waiting for, opening that box is sure to make everything better.
6. You have to walk everywhere.
Check the Health app on your iPhone, because you probably walked at least two miles today. Between running to class and roaming Baltimore Avenue, you rack up those steps in no time. Who needs the gym anyway?
7. Snacks in the dorm are essential.
8. Dining Dollars expire at the end of the semester.
Get swiping! You should probably load up on those snacks I mentioned earlier. Otherwise all your money will go to waste. Treat yo' self to a nice meal at Stamp.
9. College is actually work.
You may have forgotten that you're here to get an education. Don't worry, your professors will definitely remind you with homework assignments, long readings, and quickly-approaching deadlines.
10. Joining a club/organization breaks up the day.
Wake up, go to class, do homework, go to sleep. Kinda boring. Getting involved in a club forces you to change your normal routine and do something you really like.
11. Air conditioning is your best friend.
Who knew it'd be hot until November? Clearly not the brainiacs who built Hagerstown Hall. After walking across campus to class, your sweaty self is eternally grateful that most of the buildings have AC.
12. And the laundry room is not.
13. You go to the best school in the world!
The University of Maryland has become your home and you wouldn't have it any other way!