There are many ways we say goodbye to the people we live with. Some typical examples of acceptable goodbyes include: bye, see ya later, see ya, I'll be back later, farewell, etc. Unfortunately, simple goodbyes can become so commonplace that our farewells become monotone and boring. However, not every goodbye has to be like this. In fact, there are many goodbyes that you can use to shake up your mornings and get a few laughs out of your roommate. Here's a simple list of unique goodbyes to shout at your roommate as they depart.
1. Don't forget to come back!
2. Fall in love and get a husband (or wife)!
Nothing says a good day like the potential of true love.
3. Don't get cut by a blade of grass!
4. Be careful! Don't get attacked by a squirrel!
Squirrels may seem cute and cuddly, but they can actually be very vicious creatures.
5. Don't get lost on your way to class!
6. Don't get attacked by a bear, It's nighttime!
It's a jungle out there, bro.
7. Don't trip on a raindrop!
This one applies best if it's raining outside when your roomie departs.
8. Don't get paint in your nostril!
This may seem strange, but if your roomie is an art major then it is definitely good advice.9. Bye! I tolerate you!
This is great to keep your roommate from getting too chummy. Especially if you hate hugs.10. Influence the youths in a good way!
We all have that one friend (or roommate) who needs this distinction.
11. Have fun storming the castle!
I'll admit, this one came from the Princess Bride. But it's still really fun to say.12. Make sure the doormat says goodbye!
This one really only applies if you have one of those doormats that says "hello" and "goodbye" on it.13. Make new friends on the sidewalk!
The sidewalk can be a magical place if you let it be.Next time you're roommate leaves for class, the library, Starbucks, etc. Shout one of these unique farewells at them! It'll probably brighten their day, or at least make them chuckle.