13 Unanswered Questions In 13 Reasons Why | The Odyssey Online
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13 Unanswered Questions In 13 Reasons Why

With so many cliffhangers, we're all dying for answers.

13 Unanswered Questions In 13 Reasons Why

Based on the book by Jay Asher, "13 Reasons Why" is a Netflix original series about Clay Jensen, a high school student, who receives a package filled with cassette tapes used by his classmate Hannah Baker, who recently committed suicide. There are thirteen stories on the tapes, each representing a reason why she killed herself. The Netflix series has one season, containing thirteen episodes. Although the season ends with Clay finishing the tapes and passing it on to the next person, there are still so many unanswered questions:

1. What happens with Bryce?

Does Jessica tell her dads and press charges? Does Bryce go to jail? Now that Clay has Bryce's confession, does he bring it to the police or does he let Mr. Porter decide what to do with it?

2. Does Courtney come out to her dads?

In the last scene with Courtney, she tells her dads that she has something to tell them. Does she come out to them? Does she tell them about the tapes?

3. Where does Justin go?

After his mom's boyfriend, Seth, chokes him against a wall, Justin leaves the house with a bag full of money and a gun. Where does he go?

4. What happens to Alex?

We know that Alex was shot, but was it really suicide? There are a lot of theories going around, especially one about Alex being shot by Tyler.

5. Speaking of Tyler, why does he have all of those guns?

In one of the last scenes with Tyler, we see that he has a secret stash of guns in his bedroom. What does he need them for? Is he getting revenge on everyone in the tapes and starting with Alex? Is he planning on possibly shooting himself?

6. How does Clay's mom confront him about the tapes?

Clay's mom finds out that her son is the most previous holder of the final tapes that Hannah left behind. How does she handle this? Does she confront him, and how does she do it?

7. What do Hannah's parents do when they listen to the tapes?

Hannah's parents are provided with a copy of the 13 tapes that Hannah left behind. They begin to listen, but do they continue? Do they confront the people mentioned in the tapes, and do they press charges against them?

8. What happens to Sheri?

Standing outside of Monet's, she calls 911 to report crashing into the stop sign months ago, which led to Jeff's car crash. Does she get fined for it?

9. What does Mr. Porter do with the tapes?

As the final recipient of the thirteen tapes and the newest addition, what does Mr. Porter do? Does he listen to them and "take the tapes straight to hell" like Hannah says in her first tape? Or does he report them to the police and submit them as evidence in the trial, which could cost him his job?

10. What happens to Tony?

Tony follows Clay around the entire time the tapes are in his possession. Now that Mr. Porter has them, will he try to follow him around too?

11. What happens with the trial?

A lot of things are at risk because of this trial. What happens with it now that Hannah's parents have copies of the tapes?

12. What would have happened if Clay passed the tapes onto Bryce?

Because Clay was the eleventh reason, he was supposed to pass it on to the twelfth. Instead of passing the tapes onto Bryce, he gave them to Mr. Porter, who was the thirteenth reason. What would have happened if he gave them to Bryce? Would Bryce destroy the tapes? Would they ever get to Mr. Porter?

13. Most importantly, will there be a second season?

Although producer Selena Gomez has not given an official statement about a second season, author Jay Asher hopes that there will be one - and so do we.

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