You find a perfect show to watch on Netflix, Hulu or plain old cable television. You watch the show for hours on end and become obsessed with the relationships of the characters. Maybe it's a good old-fashioned chase, or just a hookup that turns into something more, but however the couple got together, you ship it and you ship it hard. The dreaded show finale comes around and things aren't looking too good for the couple you love so much, but you just know that they must end up together. But they don't. The writers crush your hopes and dreams. Here's 13 times that happened.
*Warning: spoilers ahead. You might want to cover the left side of the list to make sure you've seen the show before reading the couple.
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1. Lily and Rufus - "Gossip Girl"
They were two people from different worlds who fell in love at a young age, split up and somehow found each other many years later. They got married, split again, and then they ended up both marrying randoms. Sure if they stayed together, it would have made Serena and Dan's marriage gross, maybe even stopped them from ending up together. But that would be fine with me, which brings me to our next couple.
2. Nate and Serena - "Gossip Girl"
I mean just look at them together. They're both insanely beautiful human beings. Plus they have a lot in common. Nate is much better for Serena than Dan Humphrey. Don't get me wrong, I was Team Dan up until the last season. Dan put Serena through so much crap during the last season, then revealed that he was GG and she just magically forgave him and married him even though she's always hated Gossip Girl.
3. Mark and Lexie - "Grey's Anatomy"
Move over Jack and Rose, Mark and Lexie is easily the most tragic love story of all time. Sure, they had their differences, but they were always in love and we were always rooting for them. This is why it was one of the worst days in "Grey's" history when the plane crashed and Mark held Lexie's hand while she died. If you didn't cry, then you're lying. I was almost happy that Mark died soon after, I like to think that they're together in "Grey's" heaven.
4. Joey and Phoebe - "FRIENDS"
Chandler and Monica ended up together, Ross and Rachel ended up together, Joey and Phoebe just make sense. They're both a little off but in a sweet, lovable way. I do love Mike and Phoebe together, but I just hate that Joey ended up alone. It doesn't even have to be Joey and Phoebe, just Joey and someone.
5. Keith and Karen - "One Tree Hill"
I guess they were technically together when Keith died so in a way they did end up together, but not really. Karen was left behind, pregnant with Keith's baby. After grieving and giving birth to their daughter, Lily, Karen eventually moved on with ex-boyfriend Andy who she ended up marrying. I'm glad Karen is happy but I would still rather her be happy with an alive Keith.
6. Tim and Lyla - "Friday Night Lights"
Tim Riggins and Lyla Garrity started out when Lyla was dating Tim's best friend, Jason, and Tim had a girlfriend of his own. Tim and Lyla were on and off throughout the entire show, and we all expected Lyla to come back to Tim in the finale, but straight out of the blue came Tyra, Tim's ex-girlfriend that he cheated on with Lyla. That was the endgame, the messed up relationship we only got a glimpse of in season one. It's ridiculous.
7. Klaus and Caroline - "The Vampire Diaries"
"The Vampire Diaries" is still going on, so this could technically still happen. However, with Klaus the star of the TVD spinoff show, "The Originals," it seems very unlikely. The buildup to Klaus and Caroline had us all on the edge of our seats just waiting for Caroline to give into her feelings for Klaus. Then they scooped him off of TVD and stuck him in New Orleans with his own show. They did bring Klaus back for a guest appearance where they finally got together for all of one episode. Maybe when TVD meets it's end, Caroline will move on over to "The Originals." Let's hope.
8. Shawn and Angela - "Boy Meets World"
We all know about Corey and Topanga, but Shawn and Angela should not be overlooked. Shawn was a bad boy, and had a two week rule when it came to dating girls. Then along came Angela and Shawn fell in love. They eventually broke up on "Boy Meets World," and when "Girl Meets World" came out a few of us were hopeful that they would find each other again, but no such luck.
9. Jimmy and Sara - "Grandfathered"
I'm fairly confident that the only reason the two didn't end up together is because the show was canceled after season one. However, that doesn't make me any less upset about it. I'm also very confused as to why it was cancelled in the first place, how does it get better than John Stamos, Josh Peck and Paget Brewster?
10. Danny and Vicky - "Full House"
Danny Tanner is probably the greatest father in television history and everyone wanted nothing more than for him to find love again. And then along came Vicky and the perfect Disney World proposal. I don't even remember why they called off the engagement but I'm sure it was something much less important than true love.
11. Rory and Logan - "Gilmore Girls"
Or Rory and Jess. Or Rory and Dean. Someone. I loved Logan, Dean and Jess but when the finale of Gilmore Girls came around it was Logan that I hoped Rory ended up with. However, Rory didn't choose Logan or any other guy. She chose her career and her own life, which is admirable and very "Rory" but I was still broken up about it. There's a "Gilmore Girls" revival coming very soon so maybe there's still hope for Rory and Logan (or Jess or Dean.)
12. Amy and Ricky - "Secret Life of the American Teenager"
I'm sure there's quite a few Ben and Amy fans that disagree with me on this, but when it came to the final episode of "Secret Life," no one was satisfied. Much like Rory Gilmore, Amy chose herself as opposed to choosing Ricky or Ben. She goes to the same college as Ben, and is also still raising her son with Ricky. Odds are she probably ends up with one or the other in the world of Secret Life, but we don't get to know which one.
13. Jackie and Hyde - "That 70's Show"
This is the one that bothers me the most. They were perfect. The final season of "That 70s Show" was just awful to begin with, and the plot line where Jackie and Hyde break up after Hyde almost proposes is completely heartbreaking. Hyde wanted to marry Jackie. Steven Hyde.Marriage. That is such a big deal. Jackie made Hyde open up and be vulnerable and fall in love. They should have ended up together, no doubt about it. Some would argue that since Mila and Ashton are now married that Jackie should have ended up with Kelso, and while that makes sense to the actors, it doesn't to the characters because of Kelso's constant infidelity and his baby with Brooke. However, I would have been somewhat okay with Jackie ending up with Kelso. But not Fez. Just not Fez. I love Fez but Jackie and Fez is awkward, weird, unnatural and it makes me mad every time I think about it. Way to ruin my would-be favorite show, writers. I'm still so upset.