Despite its reputation as a haven for whiny, "social justice warriors" and liberal teenagers with too much time on their hands, Tumblr is actually a pretty diverse online community with users ranging in age from 13-ish to late fifties. This diversity is reflected in Tumblr's many varieties of humor, from droll or dark to dirty to scathing satire and observational comedy. Droll humor is probably what the blogging platform does best, and it's so insidious that one doesn't even realize how much their sense of humor as changed until they catch themselves chuckling at "egg" at 3 in the morning. Or guffawing at this short video of a man doing yoga dressed as the Grinch.
(This video once made me laugh so hard, I wheezed for ten minutes straight, and I've yet to understand why)
Keeping Tumblr's tendency to warp a person's sense of humor in mind, I've managed to put together 13 posts that, in true Tumblr form, probably shouldn't be funny but still kind of are, like...
1. The realization that Kellyanne Conway's brain might not be able to handle any more "alternative facts"
2. This science pun3. This truly gripping bit of prose4. This post that blessed us with the mental image of White Supremacist and liberal punching bag Richard Spencer getting decked by a furry
5. This pretty good question
7. And another realization that's just hilarious
8. This self-evident truth
(I have never met Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, but I would trust him with my life. And I would welcome him into my messy shame-hut of a home.)9. This post that speaks to introverts in particular
10. This joke about Halsey
11. This spot-on observation about the relationship between art and politics
12. This good and pure omegle chat
13. And finally, this combo-breaker of a post
-A relatable post about being squishy and seen at your worst angle in front of a laptop screen
-A nod to the Star Warsfandom
-An even funnier nod to Rogue One star Diego Luna's bizarre and well-documented crush on Jabba the Hutt.
-The comforting realization that, even when you're squishy and presented at your worst angle, you are still appealing to a man who's able to have sexual chemistry with a brick wall
(above: how I started puberty)
A true masterpiece.