People come in all different types, and one type is The Readers. We are a family in the sense that we seriously understand one another on a different level from other types of human beings. And to be honest, we know there are some things our kind relates to more than other types of people.
Without further ado, here are 13 truths avid readers can relate to:
1. Using any empty space in your room as a book shelf.
I find that there are books literally everywhere in my room and in the most random places. Whether it's the windowsill, or the little nook on my desk or my nightstand, books find their home in my room in little random places. It is no surprise I continually asked for a bookshelf last Christmas because that would save me so much room.
2. You don't care where you live when you're older, as long as it has a library.
You just imagine the beautiful room with sunlight trickling in, illuminating all of your favorite books. You don't care if you have the crappiest house in the world, as long as it has a nice library. You can't wait to show your kids all the books that have made the biggest impact on you. You anticipate the comfort and peace being surrounded by several hundred books will bring you when you sit down to read.
3. As well as the library, you would like a comfortable back porch with a cozy reading chair.
Porch reading is one of the most peaceful experiences I have ever had. Wow. Living in a college dorm, I already can't wait until I can live somewhere where there is a porch I can read on. There is nothing more serene than feeling the crisp breeze and hearing the rustle of leaves as you read a book.
4. Automatically lighting up when someone tells you they like to read.
You quickly think, "Yes. We are going to be friends." Passionate readers are becoming rarer in the age of millennials and smartphones, so it's always nice to hear such a remark!
5. Cringing when your dad asks if you would like a Kindle for your birthday.
You are so against this technology people are getting into. It isn't even the right way to go through the process of reading, and you absolutely hate the fact that these gadgets are getting as big as they are. You truly value a real, physical book in front of you: the smell, the feel of the pages, the pretty cover, you just can't get enough. And Kindles of course cannot fill the spaces of your future library, so therefore you can't do with them, fair and square.
6. Your favorite place in the world is Barnes and Noble.
Oh my goodness, this is the worst. Since books are so expensive, you usually have to choose between buying one or the other. This requires a quick meltdown where you look up reviews and take some serious time considering which book would be best for you to read at this time in your life.
8. When you get a new paycheck, you immediately think of the new book you are going to buy.
9. You look at Goodreads debates in the reviews section of the book you are reading.
I mean these debates can get intense. And while both sides have avid argument points, you realize you sway to one side more than the other. Fifteen minutes go by, and you realize how ashamed you are of getting so sucked into these arguments that you lose sense of precious time. What can I say, these people make very good points.10. You think it is absolutely absurd if someone watches the movie before they read the book.
You automatically get disgusted when someone chooses to see the movie without reading the story first. I mean, it is a waste of the author's creativity to not even read the work of art in its initial form in favor of some filmmaker's perception (even though I do love a good film adaptation of a lovely story).
11. You fall in love with fictional characters.
12. You never leave the house without a book in your bag.
What if something happens and you have time to read your precious gem? You always have to be prepared.
13. Your suitcases are especially heavy because of the excessive amounts of books you bring.
Your parents always wonder why you go over the weight limit for every trip, and there is only one explanation: you have about 20 books for a week-long vacation. What if they are all page-turners and you are stuck without one for a day? The thought is too overwhelming to bear.
Us readers live a life that is very different from others'. But if you have never known how much of an avid reader you are until now, welcome to the club.
And if you aren't an avid reader, I would say it is simply because you are not reading the right stuff.