Wait, what high school did you go to? Windsor. Oh, where's that? Imperial. Oh, where's that? OMG like 30 minutes south of St. Louis. So, like by Arnold kind of? Yes. If you went to Windsor high school, you understand the struggle. Although that may of been one huge struggle, here are 13 signs you went to Windsor.
1. Camo was your second school color.
I think we wore camo a little more than we wore brown and gold, especially to basketball games. Even the basketball team wore camo warm ups.
2. Your school colors were known as poop and pee.
I mean.... can you really blame them? Although these are old uniforms our colors still haven't changed much.3. Even though our football team usually lost, we still packed the stands.
Most games we lost, but that didn't ever stop our spirit. It also never made people stop coming to games. The stands were almost always packed no matter what the score was.4. Basketball games against Seckman were usually the best games.
Most basketball games were fun and memorable, but if you attended the Seckman vs. Windsor basketball game in 2016, being one of the last games of the season, you won't forget it. Technical foul in the crowd, lots of cheering, screaming, parents getting mad, ya know the best parts of sports. It was a great game to say the least.5. Our mascot is the least scariest.
We look at the other Jefferson County schools and their mascots are scarier than ours of course. We've got the dragons, the warriors, the jaguars, the tigers, and then us, the owls. As if we already weren't considered the underdog in most cases.6. Seniors last day meant you definitely wanted to avoid the senior hallway and all the crying.
The day they would play the senior song and suddenly all seniors would come out of their classrooms into the hall and cry for the most part. You didn't want to get stuck in that mess because if you did you didn't know if you'd be able to make it out.
7. You rarely saw a person you didn't know.
When you walked down the hallway you said hi to a lot of people. You also rarely saw someone you didn't know and if you did then you figured out who it was within the next hour usually.8. We apparently rode tractors to school.
I think this is how everyone else imagined us driving to school, especially Seckman. I mean they are the ones that started the 'start the tractors' chant even though we literally are 10 minutes away from them if even.9. Our school came together through everything.
Anytime anything tragic happened we always had each other to lean on. In this specific picture after our principal got diagnosed with cancer we put on fundraisers and made shirts to help and donate to his family and him. We always came together when we needed to.10. Docs homecoming jokes may have been cheesy sometimes, but you always laughed.
He would interrupt the whole assembly just to tell us one joke about another school. Most of the jokes he made were cheesy, but a homecoming pep assembly without them would've never been the same.
11. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y that's the Windsor battle cry.
This one was always everyone's favorite even if it gave you a headache from screaming it or from listening to everyone else scream it. No pep assembly would be the same without it.
12. Pep assembly days were always wild.
Classes were always shorter which made things a little more hectic and everyone was always more excited. Then, there were the announcements for different groups to get out of class early and then everyone got to go sit in a crowded gym and be wild.
13. No matter how much we said we hated it, we wouldn't have wanted to go anywhere else.
This was the place we grew up and the place we loved. We may have complained about it every day we were there at times, but we wouldn't be the people we are now without this school and the people we met.