The first week of school can feel like complete and utter chaos. Packing, unpacking, moving, organizing. Having five plus syllabus chalked full of homework, quizzes, projects and exams thrown at you in one day. Trying to find a balance between fun, school, and work can be overwhelming. The beginning of the semester sets the stage of how your whole will play out.
Use these 13 tips to help your semester start out swimmingly.
1. To do lists.
Start each day creating a to do list with tasks that need completed. Add on assignments and quick notes as you finish up each class. Your options vary on wether you want to write the list electronically or on paper. The Reminder app comes automatically installed on the iPhone and is very easy to use!
2. Start using an E-calendar.
Although it is useful to have a physical planner, e-calendars are useful in the fact that they can send you physical reminders that will pop up on your phone or in your email to accomplish a task before its due. I have found this most effective in helping me stay on top of assignment due dates and quiz deadlines.
3. Snack, always snack.
Always carry snacks in your backpack. In-between classes munch on some blueberries (a great brain food) in hopes not to be cranky in your least favorite class. Brain foods like avocados, kale, energy bars, hardboiled eggs and broccoli are all linked to increase your attentiveness in the classroom.
4. Wake up the same time everyday.
Regardless of what time classes are, wake up at the same time. This will help with sleeping in and missing class. Use weekends to sleep in. This will help your body get on a routined sleep schedule.
5. Create a regimented gym time.
Block out 30-45 minutes every day and be active. Stick with your time block, and try to workout around the same time everyday. Working out daily helps relieve stress and anxiety and will help you sleep better!
6. Only drink caffeine when you really need it.
Regulate your caffeine intake. It's not suggested to rely on a substance to help us fully function. Try and make coffee one 2-3 times a week compared to everyday. Also cuts out extra calories!
7. Designate your study spot.
Keep your study spot outside of your room and away from your bed. Find a quiet spot in the library or student union building that you can always retreat to. Avoid being around friends while studying, you won't get much done.
8. Get involved with a new group of people!
Try something completely new! Like pottery, rock climbing or join a book club. Expand your circle and meet some new friends!
9. Get a library card.
The library is a huge well of information. Next time you need to go complete some research head over the library and take advantage of one of your greatest student benefits.
10. Meet with your advisor at least 2 times a semester build a relationship.
Your advisor is a great asset for your professional success someday. Use them! Meet with them as often as you can. They have great advice and opportunity for you, and potential for letters of recommendation.
11. Wear comfortable clothing to class.
Be professional, and dress comfortable. Always bring a jacket in your backpack, so you're not catching mild hypothermia in those warehouse classrooms!
12. Extra cash.
Always carry a little cash in your backpack in case of emergencies. Or when you realize pizza bombs are $5 and you're hangry from a long afternoon of classes.
13. Charged.
Always bring your chargers you deem necessary when going to study. You never know how late you will stay, and most likely want to finish your homework in your study place not your door room bed.
Have a great semester!