After a long day of sorority life and college chaos, many of us wind down in bed to New Girl. Amidst Nick Miller, Coach and the rest of the crew, you can't help but fall in love with Jess. Jessica Day perfectly sums up sorority life with her hilarious gibberish.
1. During chapter when someone brings up their "great idea"...
2. After a long day of planning or volunteering, you can't help but scavenge for the late night diner food.
3. When you're constantly wearing your letters, you sometimes get judgmental looks...
4. Getting set up with a formal date...
5. Need a ride home at 3am? Help a sista out.
6. Dancing at formal by yourself like...
7. When your sister won't tell you what's really going on...
11. When standards warns the entire chapter about Snapchat stories...
12. Half of the announcements at chapter...
13. Singing and chanting about how great your chapter is...