Finals week. Those two words probably bring up a wave of emotions. In high school, that just meant minimal school and extra time to sleep. In college, it basically means the exact opposite. Here's something to distract you (get back to work as soon as you're finished reading!) during your 20th consecutive hour in the library.
It's days leading up to your first test and you're feeling confident.
You start to actually understand what has been taught to you all semester!
You pull your first all-nighter since you were in 3rd grade.. and it definitely wasn't as fun as it was then
But you've gotta be up bright and early to make it to your test!
You've retained so much information over the past couple days you've started to mush the materials from your classes together
You manage to get through your first exam
....And you're back at the library already
Your eye starts doing that thing as your stress builds up..
But it comes to a close as you finally finish your last test
You kinda feel like this..
But you're
And wait for that good news ;)