For such a tiny, thin piece of paper, I never could've guessed how frustrating a semester schedule could be! Here are 13 thoughts you have while trying to lock in your classes:
1. "Ooohh so many possibilities!"
Looking at all the available classes sparks much hope in a student's heart. But then comes...
2. "I literally have no options."
3. "I am so excited for this class!"
There are those classes that remind you why exactly you're in college and make you very happy.
4. "I am dreading this class."
5. "This professor is so great!"
You definitely have those professors that you click with.
6. "This professor is very different from me."
It's a growing experience.
7. "I can't believe I'm getting closer to graduation!"
(With excitement)
8. "I can't believe I'm getting closer to graduation."
(With trembling fear)
9. "16 credit hours? I got this!"
No biggie.
10. "16 credit hours? What was I thinking?"
This realization maybe comes after classes start... but hey! You're going to get it done!
11. "I've got the perfect semester!"
Sleeping in til noon, good "stressful to non-stressful class" ratio...
12. "I think the perfect semester for me is... not having a semester."
If you don't have a semester, you don’t have stress. You also don't have a degree, though. So...
13. "It's preparing me for my career. It's preparing me for my career."
Happy Spring Semester Planning! :)