Finals week is rough. You spend all your time in the library, guzzling coffee, calculating how low your final can be to still get a passing grade. It's the end of the year, and you want to celebrate with friends, but you're still stuck inside dealing with a mountain of a workload. Here's a couple thoughts to get you through finals week.
1. Summer is coming, so warm weather.
It was snowing last month in Indiana, so yeah, you could say I'm excited to wear shorts and tank tops for the next four months.
2. You get to see your pet soon.
Everyone misses their dog/cat/iguana/rabbit/little brother. Being reunited is going to feel so good.
3. You don't have to go to that one class you've been dreading.
You know the one I'm talking about. The one class where you watch the minutes tick by as slowly as possible. You're never going to have to see that terrible professor again, nor suffer through his awful assignments. Peace.
4. You're almost done with dining hall food.
The dining hall isn't even that bad, I just really can't wait to get back to my mom's cooking. After 9 months of the same meals, you get sick of it after a while.
5. You won't have to read a textbook for 4 months.
Not that you read the textbook in the first place.
6. You get to see all your hometown friends.
So much has happened in the past year and it's weird to think of hometown friends having the same amount of crazy experiences. I've missed them incredibly, and I can't wait to see them all so soon.
7. With the summer months come summer concerts.
Whether you're going to a big festival, or just seeing one of your favorites nearby, it's gonna be a great concert season.
8. You can finally catch up on Netflix.
I've had one person harping on me to start watching "Game of Thrones", so I guess I'll be booked my first few weeks of summer.
9. You should plan a summer adventure.
Whether it's a road trip, a camping trip, a beach day, etc., you should plan one special day/weekend where you can actually explore and enjoy your time off.
10. You'll have an excuse to eat more ice cream.
It's not summer if I'm not eating a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone every other day.
11. You can choose your own summer reading.
No more assigned readings. You can finally get around to reading that bestseller you've been eyeing.
12. Hopefully, you'll be making money.
Hopefully, you have a summer job and you'll be saving up for next year's shenanigans. Unless you have an unpaid internship, which is almost as good since at least you're building your resume and getting that experience.
13. Summer blockbusters.
Personally, I can't wait to see Suicide Squad. Summer is the perfect time to go to the movies.