So, it's that time of year again.
The calendar has hit August, and we're no longer in the thick of summer -- we're nearing the end. For many of us, that means one thing: going back to school. With that comes packing for school, which can be quite the ordeal.
Here are 13 thoughts you might have during that process:
13. I can't believe the summer's already over
Whether it be from working, hanging out with old high school friends, or traveling, the summer days just disappeared before your eyes. Even though the days are the longest of the year, they certainly felt the shortest. But hey- time flies when you're having fun right?
Bring on the sweaters, riding boots, pumpkin spice lattes, and beautiful changing leaves! Halloween is approaching, bugs are all dying, and everything good will finally return.
11. I'm going to miss my high school/home friends.
Even if it's one or two friends, the people you stay in touch with long after high school has finished will forever be your day ones and understand you better than most people. You're used to saying goodbye since it's been a little while since you started college, but that doesn't make it any easier.
10. What clothes should I bring back?
Should I pack sweaters? Should I bring winter stuff? What about my puffy coat? Where the hell is that shirt I wanted to wear the first day? This ultimately leaves your clothes spread all around your house, impossible to find, and looking like a bomb just attacked your closet.
9. I WILL make time for the gym this semester
We all say it…but to make it happen is a whole other ball game.
8. I can't wait to see my college friends
What did they do? How's their love lives? Whats the gossip? You want to know it all! A lot can happen in those few short months they call summer. You can't wait to catch up on each others' lives and start your school routine with them again.
7. How likely am I to actually wake up 3 times a week for this 9 AM class?
You want to say you'll be there everyday, on time, and pay full attention to everything the professor says. You want to believe that can happen. However, you know yourself better than that, and you know it's never going to happen.
6. I'm going to miss home food
Especially if your from Long Island. Kiss real bagels and pizza goodbye until December! Even if your dining hall food is good, it still won't be the same as your home food.
5. HOW am I going to leave my pet?
All the daily pictures of your pet could never replace the feeling of holding them close to you and petting them. They don't even know where you're going or why you're gone for so long, but when you come back, it's great when they make it like you never left.
4. I really hope I didn't overpack…
…You say as you manage to fill two full SUVs up with all your stuff for the next few months. You just had to bring options. You never know when you're going to need them.
3. I should make a To-Do list to make sure everything is packed
Chances are, you won't make a list or you will and will still forget something. It happens to even the most organized.
2. I should join more activities
You say it now, when you have all the time in the world in the palm of your hands, but when you start having to study, do homework, eat, andddd make time for a social life and sleep, it's going to be too difficult to spread yourself even more thin. Don't push yourself. "Never half ass two things, full ass one thing."
1. I can't wait to be back
Sweet freedom is back! Live it up, be your own person, and learn all about yourself. College is supposed to be the best years of your life but only you can make that happen! Enjoy your time, do your work, and make some new memories, you only get (around) 4 years!