Owning a dog is a blessing, but owning a Goldendoodle means everything. Though they act aloof and crazy sometimes, they mean the world to you. But here are 13 reasons why you can't live without them:
1. Their eyes can pierce your soul and make you weak at the knees
One look into their eyes and then it's over. Those brown eyes get you every time.
2. They are smart, most of the time...
There are times that you are like "Dang, my dog is so freaking smart"! And then there are other times you really questions them.
3. They have the biggest hearts
Goldendoodles are very affectionate and they are not afraid to show it. Which doesn't bother you because that is what makes them the best dog ever.
4. They blend in with the carpet
It's like playing Marco Polo with your dog. Except, they are asleep and it's almost impossible to spot them.
5. They oddly loved to be carried
There seems to be no logical explanation why they like to be held, they just do. But it's okay because every dog parent does this, right?
6. They always get mistaken for a Labradoodle
Close, but no cigar. Every Goldendoodle owner has heard "So is that a Labradoodle?" at least once in their lifetime.
7. Keeping their fur untangled is impossible
It seems like every day you are trying to pull a brush through their fur. And each day it is a hassle to get even one section combed through.
8. You don't know where their eyes are half of the time
Maybe that is why they are running into things left and right. But that is okay, we still love them anyway.
9. Dog cuddles with them are like a dream come true
10. They don't shed
Could you ask for anything better? You can pet them for as long as you want and you still won't walk away with fur on you.
11. They got the doodle bump
You don't know why, but you love the doodle bump and all its furry glory.
12. Beggar is their middle name
You got any food on your plate? You're sharing, right? How could you say no to those eyes?
12. They are your forever friend
There is nothing that can replace your doodle. Though they are a little airheaded at times, they mean the world and more to you.