At this age we are completely independent when we are at college. We do what we want, when we want to. Despite all this new found freedom, there are still things we haven't exactly figured out. Who's idea was it to put a bunch of young, immature adults with no supervision anyway?
As much as we want to be fully detached from our parents and pretend like we know what we're doing, here are 10 things we still ask our moms. And moms thanks for answering them over and over again, we know they're dumb questions.
1. What's my social security number?

2. Will you send me a picture of the dogs?

3. Will you add money to my debit card?

4. How many Advil should I take?

5. Am I still under your insurance?

6. Will you make my doctor's appointment?

7. How do I address an envelope?

8. Will this stain come out?

9. What am I allergic to?

10. How do I cash a check?

11. Do I have to spray this pan before I use it?

12. Is there going to be traffic?

13. I'm still your favorite kid, right?

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