Getting assigned a random roommate was probably one of the most terrifying things about college. I have to live with someone I don't know? Luckily my freshman year roommate became one of my closest friends.
1. Thanks for always greeting me.
The little "Hi, how are you?" "How was class?" when I walked in the door meant more than you know.
2. Thank you for establishing our room as a "no pants zone" so early.
The first few weeks were pretty tough with the whole changing in the bathroom thing. I was relieved when we got over that and started changing in front of each other and running around in underwear and sports bras.
3. Thanks for the pictures.
When we were dressed up to go out, or just messing around in the room I have countless pictures of us and they remind me of all of our good times in freshman year.
4. Thanks for the random story times.
Falling asleep, just waking up or getting ready, the room was never silent. We were always gossiping and talking about something. Thanks for always listening, providing feedback and giving advice.
5. Thank you for being my personal alarm clock.
I really owe you for this one, some days you were the reason I didn't miss class.
6. Thank you for doubling my wardrobe.
Closets in college are already small enough. When you moved in, I had twice the clothes. Luckily we were basically the same size and you came to the rescue a few times.
7. Thank you for allowing my friends in the room.
And even welcoming them, soon my friends also became your friends and having you all get along was a great feeling. And thanks for making your friends my friends, too.
8. Thanks for jamming out with me.
Twenty-one pilots, Kanye, Beyonce, or Jack Johnson our room was always blasting music (thanks to your speakers) and we always had a little fun dancing around like fools.
9. Thanks for using my stuff and letting me use yours.
Shampoo, bowls, spoons, cups, clothes, everything you let me borrow or use saved my life just a little bit at a time.
10. Thanks for watching all the YouTube videos with me.
And always making references to them that made me bust out laughing "ANOTHER CUP OF COFFEE"...that's all.
11. Thanks for never turning down a night with movies and junk food.
Even if you were doing homework or on your phone, it counts that you were there watching a movie with me and never judging me on how many pieces of pizza or candy I ate.
12.Thanks for never turning down going out.
For as many nights as we stayed in, we also found time to go out and have a little fun and you were the first one to invite me or make plans and force me to get out of bed and get ready and take pictures and dance the night away together.
13. Thank you for enjoying college with me.
We had a lot of freedom in a big city with lots of strangers. Both of us were learning, growing and changing and I'm so lucky I experienced it with you.
14. Just thank you.
Like I said, moving in and literally sleeping in the same room with a complete stranger was terrifying. Thanks for always getting along with me, making my first year so much fun, never fighting and loving me like family. You were one of the best friends I made in college and I'm so happy I loved my random roomie.
Miss you, love you and can't wait to see you next semester.