We've all been there, going through old yearbook photos, and memories from our early teens, cringing at what used to be. Thinking, "Why didn't anyone say anything to me? How did people let me walk around like that?" Well, here are a few things I would have liked to tell myself at 13, we all need a little help... even though it may be a few years too late.
1. Be yourself.
Don't try and be someone you're not for others. If you are trying to fit in with friends and acting a different way, they aren't true friends anyways. Be true to yourself.
2. No one actually cares, or will remember, if your jeans are from Abercrombie or Hollister.
So please stop dragging your grandmother into the store that reeks of surfer dude cologne, with music playing way to loud for her liking, just to get the jeans everyone is wearing. Heads up, you grow really fast and next year you're about to shoot up in height, so those $60 jeans you just bought, won't fit.
3. You're not as cool as you think you are.
Even though you might think you're really old and you're super cool and all, I hate to burst your bubble, but you're not. You're thirteen.
4. Calm down on that eyeliner, for everyone's sake.
Just put it down, it's too much. That's all.
5. Be nice to Mom and Dad
I know you're a teenager and it's pretty normal to be butting heads with mom and dad, but just lay off a little. They are only trying to help you, so just be nicer.
6. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
This is pretty broad, but basically stand up for what you believe, don't hold in what you're feeling, and just don't be afraid to say what's on your mind.
7. I promise you that boy really isn't worth it, and it's not the end of the world.
Even though I'm sure it feels like it right now, that boy really isn't everything, so who cares? You have so many years ahead of you, so a little breakup in middle school should be the least of your worries.
8. Your friends will change, and that's okay.
Having your girls by your side is a great thing, and you'll look back on all the great times you had with them. But sometimes it works out that some will come and go, and that's okay, that's apart of growing up, we all change.
9. That shirt is way too low, girlfriend. Stop.
You're trying a little hard right now, come on you're a nice girl.
10. Put the peace sign away.
I will never understand why everyone did that, and the duck face doesn't help. Just put the peace sign away, thank you.
11. Get off your phone and look around at what actually is going on.
You're so invested in that phone, but just take a second and look up to someone when they are talking to you. When you're in the car, look out the window. Just take a break from the phone altogether, you're obsession with it causes you to go over the allowed data in the future. So please cool it with the texting.
12. The C you just got on your science test really doesn't matter, it'll be okay!
I know how seriously you take school, that's a good habit to have honestly. Having said that, the C you just got won't effect what college you're getting into. You're in middle school, it'll be okay.
13. You're beautiful, stop trying to change yourself.
You are beautiful, stop trying to change yourself. Accept your flaws, because that's what makes you, you. You're only thirteen, you're still growing up. So girl, let those eyebrows grow out and stop trying to change what's supposed to be.