Thank you, Punxsutawney Phil, for ending the misery of the winter months. The cold sucks, but some things suck even more. Enjoy this comprehensive list of some of the worst aspects of winter.
- Girls who post 300 pictures of their sorority house on social media
- The people running to and from the gym practically naked because “it’s not that farof a walk”
- Put the damn bike away. You’re not Lance Armstrong…you’re late for class
- L.A. kids who think thepast tense term for “snow” is snew. “It snew last night!” Take your idiocy elsewhere, Isabella.
- Swarms of Canada Geese
- The girls who insist on Ubering to class, even when there’s no snow on the ground
- Runners: Stop. Running. There are icicles in your nostrils and it’s horrifying
- Instagram locations with the temperature on it. We get it! It’s cold
- Hoards of frathoppers who absolutely REFUSE to wear coats
- Kids who brag about how they’re “So used to this because they’re from Chicago
If any of these pertain to you, don’t fret. You have the next three seasons to correct your actions and behaviors. Winter is the absolute worst. We get it. But, the extreme wind chill and your lack of chill don’t mix well. Cool it, college students of the Midwest. On that note, let us warm up to the thought of spring.