As winter break 2016-2017 comes to a close, I am having a difficult time accepting that my mornings spent on the couch with a cup of tea and my laptop or a new novel on my lap are also coming to an end and that my peaceful mornings will soon be infiltrated with exam stress and responsibility. Here are the 13 things I will miss most from Winter Break as I head into the Spring 2017 semester:
1. Peaceful Netflix Binges
Where there are college students there is Netflix, but Winter Break brings a new excitement to Netflix. There is no guilt associated with clicking "Next Episode" or any thoughts of "I should be doing this instead..."
2. Sleeping-In Without Worry
Not setting an alarm is a beautiful thing, my friends.
3. Snuggling on the Couch with ____.
Fill in the guy, my gal, my partner, my dog, my choice of hot drink, my favorite novel.
4. Online Shopping With Christmas Money
With extra spending money and free time, comes online shopping, and lots of it.
5. Freedom from Assignments, Papers, Responsibilities
With responsibility comes pain, but also a degree!
6. Delicious Home-cooked Meals
The return to dining-hall food is not an easy transition.
7. The Comfortable, Wonderfulness of Your Own Bed![]()
There is nothing quite like it.
8. Guiltless Social Media Time![]()
There is just so much stalking to be done over Winter Break.
9. The Spontaneity of Having Your Own Room
Wake up, go to sleep, have a cry sesh, and blast any type of music as you please.
10. Hilarious Inside-Family Jokes
Only the fam will always love and embrace your weirdness and also remember that picture from last summer where your brother looks like a giraffe.
11. Jamming While Driving Familiar Country Roads
Just pass me the aux.
12. The Privacy of a Single Bathroom
Gone are the relaxing bath times with bath bombs and 20 minute Pinterest breaks after a shower.
13. Pajama Lounging
I prefer to wear my "leisure wear" at all times.
Unfortunately it is time to say goodbye to the welcoming embrace of your own bed, the delectable smell of dad's cooking, and the guiltless freedom of watching 5 hours of Netflix, but a new semester also brings new opportunities, new friendships, and new reasons to look forward to Summer 2017.