Studios producing horror movies are always trying to find something new, fresh, and scarier than anything else that their audience has ever seen to try and make some money. However, if they really want to make a successful horror movie,all they need to do is make a movie about the real horrors that some of their target audience members live with everyday: college.
1. 8 AMs
Seriously how did I get up this early every day for high school?
2. Cafeteria Food
You would think that at a school you pay several thousand dollars for per semester, they would have decent food. Well, you thought wrong.
3. The "Freshman 15"
It's real, no matter what they tell you.
4. The cost of textbooks.
Yes, textbooks are $150 each so buy them online for a "much cheaper" $80 each. What a steal.
5. Student loans
Q: How am I ever going to pay this much money back?
6. College debts
A: You will never pay all of that money back. You will die in debt.
7. Dorm bathrooms
Sure, a bathroom you share with 20+ people will be gross and uncomfortable. But you cannot comprehend how miserable it will be until you live in a dorm.
8. Dorms in general.
Will the temperature ever feel normal? Probably not. What is that weird stain on the wall? Who knows. Is that a ghost down the hall? Quite possibly.
9. Responsibility.
You thought you were ready for college, but of course, as soon as you get there and have to be responsible, you realize how unprepared you are for living alone.
10. Becoming an adult.
'I am so ready to have my own place and go into the workforce!' -High school you
'I am going to stay in bed all day eating Lucky Charms and watching Spongebob. What a treat!' -College you
11. Thinking about possible career choices
'When I grow up, I am going to be a pediatrician and help children!' -You all of your life.
'You know, a job at Taco Bell doesn't sound too bad. I wouldn't be in debt and I could eat all of the tacos I want...' -College you
12. Having no money
In high school, you had a job, but if you needed a little extra money your parents could give you a $20. In college, finding $5 means that you can comfortably eat Ramen for a week, and that is a cause for celebration.
13. Having no clue about what is in store for your future.
What am I doing with my life? I have no clue. What do I want out of life? I'm not really sure. What is happening tomorrow in Intro to Psych? Who knows.