I’ve been really mad at everything lately because every single day, something seems to make me really angry. The level of incompetence I have seen makes me really want to roll my eyes out of my head. For everyone who gets mad easily at little things, I hope these points resonate with you. Here are a few things that piss me off most.
1. That one person who fights the teacher on everything
2. Slow drivers
3. Uneducated people who act like they’re educated about certain topics
“Omg you shouldn’t vaccinate your children because…”
4. When people ask you a question then insist you’re wrong
5. People talking bad about something you like and you can’t say anything because you don’t want to seem crazy
6. When people cut me off then go slow
7. When someone is literally such a horrible person but think they’re a perfect human being
8. When someone critiques your driving
"You’re going way too fast."
"You were supposed to take that exit."
"Why are you changing lanes?"