It's that time of year again. College kids, like myself, are going back to school after a long-awaited and much-enjoyed weekend home for Easter. There are just a few weeks left in the semester, or even just a few days for some schools, but we all know these weeks can be some of the toughest of the whole semester. Here are X things we all know happen during these upcoming weeks.
1. You start a summer countdown.
If you're anything like me, you've probably had one since Christmas. In addition, it is probably listed on the countdown app on your phone followed by a ton of emojis and exclamation points because that is just how excited you are.
2. You prepare for finals.
Maybe this would be a good time to get yourself together. Let the study guide making begin.
3. You finalize your summer job plans.
You realize that maybe you actually need to make sure the place you interviewed for months ago actually ever got back to you.
4. You make a list of the Netflix series you can't wait to binge on.
... and try to tell yourself you'll actually wait to watch them until you are free from school.
5. You can't wait to read for fun.
Sitting on a beach with a book that is not for a class sounds wonderful right now. It can be hard to enjoy reading when it's for class on a book you'll be tested on.
6. You make plans with all your friends from home.
You look forward to seeing them and taking advantage of all the adventures home has to offer.
7. You make the most of your last few weekends with your college friends.
Although you're all stressed and busy, you make time for each other because you know that in a few weeks you won't be right down the hall from each other.
8. You plan to visit your college friends.
Because then you also realize you can't go all summer without them so you plan trips to see them. Hundreds of miles have nothing on you.
9. You spend late nights in the library.
You have more work than you can even imagine, but you have to keep moving along.
10. You take out all your spring and summer clothes.
Might as well look good while you stress in the library.
11. You want to sit outside but you know you won't get any work done that way.
I've learned that I'm an expert people watcher, especially when I should be doing work. The only thing I seem to be able to accomplish outside is reading for class, but even that is a struggle.
12. You order bathing suits.
You find yourself surfing the web for various bathing suits (probably while eating ice cream) and then realize you may want to start hitting the gym now.
13. You keep your spirits high and chin up.
Summer will be here before you know it. Enjoy the ride.