I am usually used to the busy college atmosphere in my life. When I had a day off and also found out that classes are also cancelled for tomorrow, I knew I had to figure out some ideas of what to do with myself. So here is what I came up with and decided to share...
1. Get organized
The best way to get started is to make a plan. Figure out what needs to get done this week and maybe knock out a few tasks. Being stuck indoors is a great way to take a step back and organize your life a little bit.
2. Go to the game room
Most dorms have a game room you can go to with your friends that live in your building. Go play some pool, ping pong, fuse ball or whatever games are available to you. Maybe you will meet someone new while you're at it.
3. Workout
If you prefer to be productive with a day off, motivate yourself to workout! If you are able to walk to the gym, great. Otherwise, youtube a home workout or download a yoga app to get your heart rate going for the day.
4. Get ahead on homework for the week
There is usually always something you can do for homework in advance. Take advantage of the time to get something done ahead of time for your classes. Trust me, you will thank yourself next week!
5. Read a book
If you have books in your room, open one up and get busy. If not, maybe as to borrow from a friend. Otherwise you can always find online versions of specific books to download.
6. Clean your room
When you are physically forced to stay in your room, it is nice to spend time in a clean one. If you are a person who normally keeps the room spotless, maybe you could reorganize your closet or something like that.
7. Sleep/take a nap
Take care of yourself and catch up on some sleep since you have the time. A refreshing nap will make your day go a lot smoother. Just make sure to do something productive once you wake up!
8. Make a warm drink
The best part about winter is the coffee and hot chocolate. Make some with your cutest mug available and snuggle up with your favorite blanket. This will keep you cozy and warm on a cold day.
9. Text an old friend
If you are bored and feeling up to it, text an old friend that you have been meaning to get ahold of. Sometimes it's nice to just catch up with someone you used to be close to.
10. Watch Netflix
This option works for most circumstances. Netflix is usually my go to during my spare time. Maybe get adventurous and start a new series or watch a movie that you have never seen.
11. Pray
A lot of people use the alibi of not having time to thank the Lord for everything in their lives. Take a few minutes out of your free day to do so. Everyone gets busy sometimes, but today there's no excuse!
12. Play a game with your roommate
Make the most out of your time with the person across the room. My suggestion is to play a question game to get to know him or her better. You could also play cards if one of you was smart enough to bring some.
13. Call your parents
Most likely your parents miss you and a phone call is long overdue. Pick up the phone and give them an hour out of your day. I promise that you will gain something out of the conversation as well.