Two weeks ago I published an article entitled “13 Things We Need To Leave In 2017”. That was pretty negative, so this week I wanted to bring it back to the positive side. Here are 13 things we can add to our lives or start doing to make 2018 the best year yet!
1. Genuine listening
Let’s making truly hearing each other a priority this year. You’ll learn more about the people around you, make a better impression, and learn that words aren’t as important as you thought.
2. Healthy diets
This doesn’t necessarily mean going on a diet, just being mindful about what you put in your mouth. Start thinking about your calorie intake, sugars and carbs, and being conscious of how many vegetables you’re eating. My goal is to eventually go Paleo, so I’m taking small steps in that direction.
3. Time management
Sticking to a good schedule is so important. It helps keep stress low if you know you have enough time in your day for everything. That will mean your grades might improve, and you may even find time to go to the gym (like you said you would in your New Year’s Resolution).
4. Journaling
I try to write in my journal at least once a week. One day I hope to be able to pass them on to my kids so that they know their mom was human and young once too. It will help you remember what happened years from now and has been said to help improve mental health.
5. Hobbies
After you work on your time management skills (as mentioned in point 3) you’ll probably realize you have more free time than you realized. Instead of laying around on your smartphone (that was one of the no-no’s from last week’s article) why not get a hobby? Try a lot of them and see which one excites you the most. Reading, scrapbooking, hiking, and more are great to try.
6. Sleep more
If you’re not spending as much time on your smartphone and managing your time better, hopefully you’ll be able to get more (and better quality sleep). I know sometimes homework keeps me on my laptop late, so I have an app on my phone and computer that shuts off the blue light (which is what affects sleep).
7. Self-care
Self-care can come in many forms. Sometimes it’s taking a bubble bath, painting your nails, and going a face mask. Other times it’s drinking a good amount of water and finally cleaning your room. Whatever you need to do to help you feel better, do!
8. Travel somewhere new
This doesn’t have to be another country, or even another state. Go to that town an hour away that you’ve never bothered to stop in. Head to the nearest National Park if you’ve never been. Have a new experience in your hometown. Just get out and do something new that will expand your mind.
9. Find your favorite book genre
I love to read, and I maintain that if you don’t like to read, you just haven’t found the right genre yet. Maybe you’ve always been forced to read for school, so you don’t want to choose to read. Instead, try going through different subjects and genres and finding something that genuinely interests you. Then hopefully you’ll learn to love reading.
10. Save more money
While I love to splurge every now and then, sometimes it’s difficult for me to grasp the “every now and then” part. Spending money on things you need is okay, but police yourself and come up with a solid budget.
11. Embrace peace
Peace can be hard to come by in today’s society. Get away from where you live, work, and go to school and try to find somewhere quiet and relaxing. I like to read my Bible and pray in a spot with a beautiful view. It helps me focus on what really matters, put some anxieties at ease, and take a break from my my busy day.
12. Take pictures
Instagramming everything you eat does not fall into this category. I’m talking about photographing special places and people so that those memories can stick with you. Plus, having pictures to show your kids in 20 years of when you were young sounds so nice.
13. Volunteer/Donate
Giving your time and resources to a cause can help you find your purpose in life. Even if it’s just an hour or two on the weekends, try to sign up to volunteer regularly with a cause you’re passionate about. If you have more money than time, donate to your favorite charity. They’ll definitely appreciate it.
I hope these 13 positive things helps you add something better to your 2018. Let’s go conquer this new year and make it the best one yet!