Well it’s that time of year again, shaking out one’s backpack to get all the sand out, pumpkin spice lattes are coming back, and the air is getting cooler (unless you live in Florida like I do and it seems to get hotter with every layer you take off). But another big event happens at the same time around this year, School begins again. Ah yes the dreaded S word that all kids fear, even those in college. Now all the money we saved up from our summer jobs will go towards our dorm room accessories, textbooks that cost more than your car, and possibly a few fun nights out. No more can we lounge outside at the beach or pool trying to get a tan (again unless you go to school in Florida like I do and the beach is down the road from you and your dorm comes with a pool).
The first week of school is dedicated to learning where your classroom are, trying to make new lifelong friends, and possibly find a new crush for the semester. This week is known as Syllabus week. Syllabus week is that first week of each new semester where you’re in limbo between saying goodbye to summer and saying hello the end of any type of social life. Here are some things you can expects during Syllabus week:
1. Showing up late to class.
2. Figuring out how to get around the damn Breezeway (only pertains to my school).
3. Seeing the syllabus and questioning why you even decided to go to college.
4. Get to leave a 1 hour and 20 min class an 1 hour and 15 mins early.
5. Not assigned any homework.
6. In the case of a teacher of who does assign work for the first day, can use the excuse “didn’t do the reading because I didn’t get my book yet.” Totally works.
7. You may get that one teacher that starts the lecture on the first day of class.
8. Signing up for every club ever invented on your campus.
9.Trying to figure out how to adult on your own again.
10. Slowly saying goodbye to all the money you earned over the summer.
11. You can party every night because you do not have any responsibilities- yet.
12. Setting Goals for the semester.
13. And finally, getting excited for the new school year.