13 Things That We Know About Pokémon "Sun" And "Moon" Thus Far | The Odyssey Online
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13 Things That We Know About Pokémon "Sun" And "Moon" Thus Far

The seventh generation of the booming series kicks off Holiday 2016.

13 Things That We Know About Pokémon "Sun" And "Moon" Thus Far

There are six generations, 721 species, and 25 main series games. It’s Pokémon’s 20th anniversary this year and they’re not holding back when it comes to celebrating. The company is holding special events all around the world in celebration of the company’s success, but the highlight of the year so far is expected to be the release of the new games "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" this fall. Here's what we know so far.

1. They will be on the 3DS family of systems.

Like generation six’s "X," "Y," "Omega Ruby," and "Alpha Sapphire" before them, "Sun" and "Moon" will be playable on the 3DS, 2DS, and 3Ds XL.

2. They will come out on November 18th in the United States and Japan and November 23rd in Europe.

There's only five months to go until generation seven is under way!

3. They will take place in the Alola Region.

Unlike its predecessors, the Alola Region is made up of four natural islands and one man-made island in the middle. Players will begin their journeys on the southeastern island. As seen in the pre-release trailers, the games promise beautiful scenery to go with the fact that the region is based off of Hawaii.

4. The new starter Pokémon will be Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio.

The grass and flying-type Rowlet is the "Grass Quill Pokémon," the fire-type Litten is the "Fire Cat Pokémon," and the water-type Popplio is the "Seal Lion Pokémon." Rowlet will reportedly learn a new grass-type move named Leafage. As seen in gameplay footage at E3, Popplio will learn Disarming Voice, which could potentially lead to Popplio becoming part fairy-type upon evolution.

5. The new mascots are Solgaleo and Lunala.

The "Sunne" and "Moone" Pokémon have appeared! Solgaleo is a psychic and steel-type Pokémon with the signature move Sunsteel Strike, whereas Lunala is a psychic and ghost-type Pokémon with the signature move Moongeist Beam. All is not as it seems, though, as the duo are able to achieve new formes to unleash their full powers. Solgaleo will undergo a Radiant Sun phase, while its counterpart Lunala will undergo a Full Moon phase.

6. A fierce rival has challenged you!

Like every game before it, "Sun" and "Moon" will provide a rival to keep the protagonists on their toes throughout the game. The new rival’s name is Hau and he’s seen choosing the Starter Pokémon that's weak to yours, which is the first time in the series that this has happened. He was also seen owning a Pichu at E3.

7. Kukui and Lillie make an interesting pair!

Kukui is the regional professor in Alola, but the starter Pokémon will be given to the protagonists by a new character named Hal. A third new character named Lillie has appeared and she is the assistant to Professor Kukui. It’s been revealed that she dislikes battling with Pokémon and that she also doesn’t appear to be from the Alola Region like the other new characters. It was revealed at E3 that there is a Pokémon hiding in her bag, which proves to be ominous considering that she was blatantly called mysterious during her reveal.

8. Five other Pokémon have been revealed!

Iwanko (Japanese name, English name TBA): rock-type, "Puppy Pokémon"

Nekkoara (Japanese name, English name TBA): normal-type, "Dreaming Pokémon"

Yungoos: normal-type, "Loitering Pokémon"

Pikipek: normal and flying-type, "Woodpecker Pokémon"

Grubbin: bug-type, "Larva Pokémon"

9. The mythical Magearna will debut.

Magearna, despite being revealed months in advance of "Sun" and "Moon," will be introduced in these games.However, its first appearance in the franchise will be in “Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna,” the company’s 19th movie. The movie will premiere in Japan on July 19th, with a release date for the United States presumably coming in the near future. Magearna is known for being the first manmade Pokémon and with this comes an exclusive move and ability: Fleur Cannon and Soul Heart, respectively. Soul Heart will raise Magearna’s Special Attack stat by one stage when anyone on the field is knocked out. It’s not yet known what type or how strong the move Fleur Cannon is, but Magearna itself is steel and fairy-type.

10. The PokéDex has received a shocking facelift.

Professor Kukui has sent a Rotom into the PokéDex to better accommodate you on your journey! Being inside, Rotom will be able to give you advice on where to go next. The PokéDex will also appear on the bottom screen of the 3DS and act as an active map! It is unclear whether Rotom will be usable in battle or if it's restricted to the PokéDex.

11. A new battling mode has surfaced!

The new online Battle Royal mode will allow trainers to fight in a free-for-all battle.

12. Character customization is making a return!

It’s not yet known how expansive this feature will be in the new games, but the feature is, in fact, returning after being absent in the last duo of games. Customizable skin color and hair color have been confirmed, with changeable clothes presumably following.

13. Zygarde will play an unexpected role!

The case of Zygarde is one of the most interesting that has come to light in the pre-release news of "Sun" and "Moon." Zygarde was first introduced in the sixth generation of the series in Pokémon "X" and "Y." Zygarde was responsible for watching over the ecosystem. However, the company took everyone by surprise when Zygarde was revealed to have new Formes that began recurring in the show. With the show being produced primarily to market the games, everyone was left befuddled due to a lack of these Formes in-game. Game Freak loves surprises, though, and released information a few days ago, stating that Zygarde 10 percent Forme and Zygarde Perfect Forme will appear in the new games with a whopping three new signature moves: Thousand Waves and Thousand Arrows for Zygarde 10 percent Forme and Core Enforcer for Zygarde Perfect Form.

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