I'll be honest. I probably have the worst sense of direction out of everyone you know. It's kind of embarrassing. Even if I've been to a destination every day of my life, I still most likely won't be able to guide you there. It's actually amazing that I'm not lost and wandering some random desert right now. To everyone who has a horrible sense of direction, here's to you. We will survive this.
1. You cannot move without your GPS
2. Left and right > the compass.
3. When people give you directions, you're like, "So can you repeat that...like 20 more times?"
The pressure to get somewhere is real.
4. It terrifies you when people ask for directions.
Well, you go in that general direction toward that vague direction and you'll be there in no time!
5. You can't even find your way in your own hometown
6. You know to leave two hours early because you know you'll get lost.
I ask this often.
7. You've cursed your GPS for leading you in circles, but know you can't live without her.
I've lost count of the times my dear GPS has led me astray.
8. Halfway through the semester, you'll still find yourself going to the wrong floor.
I know my class is on the first floor and I still find myself on the third floor. #special.
9. "Just go straight" is music to your ears.
I actually do a little happy dance inside!
10. When everything looks the same...
11. When people say mazes are fun.
Yeah...no, #itsmylife
12. If you go the wrong direction, you'll just pretend you meant to go that way on purpose to avoid the embarrassment.
Says the princess who turned her mother into a bear...#judgmental.