If you were born with red hair, there are certain things you'll understand along with your fellow red heads.
1. You've been told "Never touch that hair!"
It's usually coming from an older woman, and what she means is to never dye it.
2. Your friends have most likely put some kind of orange colored emoji next to your name in their contacts.
The flame emoji is my personal favorite. But seriously, where are the red-haired emojis?!
3. Someone has compared you to the devil, a witch, etc.
"Back in the old days people with red hair were known as spawns of Satan or witches." People will definitely say this to you. I went to Spain and toured a church, and my tour guide referred to me as a spawn of Satan... it happens.
4. Someone has asked if they can "bottle your hair".
We've all been there. You're at the hair salon minding your own business just getting your hair trimmed, when the woman next to you jokingly says "I would love to bottle your hair color!", and you probably just awkwardly laughed and thought to yourself, "If I got a dollar for every time I heard that...".
5. Someone has asked if you dye your hair.
No honey, this stuff doesn't come in a bottle. Just see number four... I'm all natural.
6. You've been told that your color will start fading at an early age.
People who tell you this are just jealous of your color so they want you to know you won't have it long.. well guess what?! Us redheads don't go grey.. The color just gets lighter as we get older and it eventually turns white... but hey, no greys!
7. You've been asked if you're Irish.
I actually am Irish, but I don't speak for all of us.
8. You've heard the question, "Where did you get that color from?!"
My mom has blonde hair and my dad has brown. No, I am not adopted. If you really must know, my aunt and grandmother on my mom's side both have red hair.
9. Someone has probably called you a mutant.
Cool, you paid attention in high school science! I know that the gene for red hair is a mutation, please carry on with your day.
10. Someone has told you that you have no soul.
See number 3. But no, I don't have a soul, and I'm going to steal yours if you say it again.
11. Your friend has said to you, "You're my favorite ginger!"
Yeah, I know, I'm a great person. I'm also probably the only person with red hair that you know... we are rare, of course!
12. You probably have pale skin.
No judging, I don't mind. I don't tan, I burn and freckle. But hey, the hair just wouldn't look as cool with a tan.
13. You wouldn't change it for anything.
You love your red hair, and everything that comes with it.