You've probably seen the image below circulating the internet lately but what exactly does it mean?
Well, a study done by the CATO Institute put into perspective the likelihood of being killed by a refugee terrorists. If you read the chart, you can see that in the last 40 years there have been three deaths attributed to terrorists that have entered as refugees. three deaths. That's roughly estimated to a 1 in 3.6 billion chance of you dying because "a refugee attacked you." Still not convinced? Here's a few everyday things that are much more likely to kill you than a refugee terrorist.
1. Stairs
Injuries developed from falling down stairs accounted for 1,307 deaths in the year 2000. That’s a 1 in 2,739 chance over one’s lifetime.
2. Roller Coasters
An average of four people die every year due to injuries caused by roller coasters.
3. Hot Water
According to the Journal of Burn Care and Research, an average of 100 people die each year from burns caused by hot tap water.
4. Bee Stings
Roughly 100 people die every year due to bee stings, according to the CDC.
5. Drowning In Your Bathtub
The odds of drowning in your bathtub are 1 in 818,015. But by all means, enjoy that new Lush bath bomb.
6. Swing sets
These monsters cause an average of 20 deaths annually in the U.S. So basically, you're entire childhood was a death trap.
7. Legal Execution
Cue the big debate. Your odds of dying by any kind of State-sanctioned execution in the United States is 1 in 4.29 million.
8. Texting
An average of eight people die per DAY due to traffic accidents as a result of texting a driving. That’s 2,920 people per year. Seriously guys stop Snapchatting and driving. It's terrifying.
9. Cows
According to the CDC, cows caused at least 108 deaths just between 2003–2007. That’s about 21 deaths per year, roughly 288 TIMES more than refugees.
10. TV
Okay so this may seem irrational but TVs actually kill people. Like, they will fall on you. 176 people a year have died from these flat screen black holes.That’s 55 times more deaths than Islamic terror claims annually.
11. Vending Machines
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, vending machines have caused 37 deaths over a 17-year span. That’s an average of only about two deaths per year. But wait, it’s still nearly 30 times more likely than dying at the hands of a refugee terrorist! What a radical concept.
12. Your Clothes
The odds of your clothes suddenly bursting into flames while you’re sleeping are 1 in 22.1 million. I can't make this stuff up guys.
13. Your Bed
Just when you thought you'd seen it all, the one thing you believed would never betray you, does. NSC statistics show that 357 people have died from accidental suffocation or strangulation in bed in the year 2000. So this means that you are FOUR TIMES more likely to be strangled by your own bed than killed by a refugee terrorists. Yeah, exactly.
In regards to our wonderful President’s travel band, none of the countries involved are responsible for terrorist attacks on American soil. NONE OF THEM. Which makes it hard to understand the reason behind this ban in the first place. He claims that the ban is put in place to increase national security but the benefits to our security are minimal while the cost is in fact far too great.
Still not convinced? Here's an even longer list.