College is amazing. You learn, you grow and you become someone new. You make friends, you party and you start to figure out who you are. But, one of the hardest things about going away to college, is coming back home. Here are a few things I miss while being away from college.
1. Freedom
You want to binge watch Netflix till the next morning? You want to go get food at 3am? You want to stay up for days on end? Feel free, college is the place to do it!
2. Friends
College is the best place to make friends. In college you meet new people and instantly click. College friends are friends for life.
3. Classes
Yes, even the classes in college are amazing. You learn things you actually want to learn and are not forced to talk insanely boring classes with no meaning to you.
4. Traditions
Yes some colleges traditions are better than others. Some have midnight breakfasts, some color runs. But whatever they are you miss them when you are home for the summer.
5. Activities
You always had something to do. Whether it was a club, sports team or just hanging out with your friends. You were never bored or lonely.
6. Routines
In college you were always expected to be somewhere. Being in college leaves little room for anything else. When you are home for the summer, you are bored out of your mind because you have nothing to do.
7. Meal Plans
Yes, the food was disgusting. Yes, it made you gain weight. Yes, it made you feel disgusting. But you do miss it! Especially when you have to buy your own food.
8. Naps
In college no one judged you for napping. No one cared how long you napped, where you napped or when you napped. It was a great time.
9. Living away from home
Of course we all love our parents and siblings, but being away from them is nice too. Always having a place to escape to is amazing as well.
10. Making your own schedule
You never have to get up earlier than you want to. You never have to go to sleep earlier. You never have to have a curfew. You choice when you want your classes and when you want to do anything else.
11. My dorm
College was the place where I could decorate my room however I wanted. I went for pictures with my favorite people, lots of my favorite animal, elephants, and my favorite color, blue!
12. My dorm pet
Depending on where you go for college you may be allowed to have a pet. I was fortunate enough to receive a free fish from my school’s event and she quickly became my roommates and my baby!