1. No one needs that much eyeliner.
Ever. That's rule number one.
2. Please stop making peace signs in your pictures.
It's seriously cringe-worthy to look back on.
3. The braces will go away eventually.
I know they hurt and you hate them but this phase in your life will go away in time, just like everything else. Maybe just rethink getting the orange ones - those were bad.
4. The acne will face.
Again, just like everything else. I know it sucks right now though - growing up is the worst. Purchase some Epiduo.
5. Please find something to do with your hair.
Dear Lord, please. It's either a frizzy mess or stuck flat on your face like pancake batter. I don't know what was happening back then, but I'm sure glad something changed.
6. You have questionable choices in clothes right now.
I know you don't think you do, but no twelve-year-old is a fashionista. Take it from me - plaid shorts and graphic tees do not match. And are not cute.
7. Taylor Swift is, and always will be, the best.
She will get you through some of the darkest times of your middle school days. And, admittedly, some of your best memories as well. You have a lot to thank her for. She's the bomb.
8. That boy who doesn't like you doesn't matter.
Seriously, did you think you were going to find the love of your life in middle school? Put on some Tswift. Cry a little. Move on. You're not ready for a boyfriend anyway. You're twelve.
9. Please stop being obnoxious.
I know you're still a bubbly little girl, but singing in the hallway at school is seriously annoying. So is hugging everyone you see. And playing truth or dare at lunch. What are you thinking?
10. Cool it with all the pictures.
The bus ride home from school doesn't need to be documented. Save the Facebook photo albums for something important.
11. Don't be embarrassed of your glasses.
Honestly, just wear them. They help you see. Who cares?
12. Stop caring what everyone else thinks.
This is a time in your life where you are extremely self-aware and conscious of everything you say and do. Stop caring about everyone else's opinions. They don't matter.
13. Your emotions are a little out of control and that's okay.
Every little thing seems like it's the end of the world or the best thing that's ever happened to you. Sometimes you'll start crying at two o'clock in the afternoon or you'll get a random burst of energy for no reason. That's alright. It's what being a tween is all about - crazy irrational mood swings. Enjoy being this passionate about everything while it lasts - it won't for long.