Unless you've been living in an underground bunker, you probably know who Kimmy Schmidt is. After being freed from the cult led by shady Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne, she decided to take on New York. Along the way, she made some killer - albeit completely insane and unstable friends - and she taught us about how to overcome any obstacles life might throw our way. Whether you're abducted and taken to live underground in Indiana or you're just having a rough day, may the wisdom of Kimmy Schmidt guide you through it all.
1. Sometimes it's okay to stuff your face
I'm not one to advocate an unhealthy lifestyle, but every now and then, you just need some chocolate. Or chips. Or tacos. Or maybe all three. Whatever your go-to junk food is, let yourself indulge from time to time.
2. Life isn't fair
In a perfect world, everyone would have the same opportunities to succeed. Unfortunately, we don't live in that world. People are often judged based on their skin color, religion, or some trivial aspect of their appearance.
3. It's important to trust yourself
They say that when you know something, you just know. Even when there isn't concrete proof, your gut instinct, or intuition, can tell you when something is off. Conversely, it can tell you when something is right and you should take a leap of faith. Listen to it.
4. Fake it 'til you make it
Let's face it, there are a lot of times when we just don't know what we're doing. In these situations, sometimes it's best to act like you belong. If you look like you know what you're doing, eventually you'll figure it out.
5. Growing up is hard
No matter who you are, becoming an adult is a tough transition. There's more responsibility, bills, and you have to start calling doctors for yourself. It sucks for everybody.
6. You can do anything you put your mind to
Okay, so maybe you can't become a monkey, but there's nothing to stop you from achieving your goals. "Kimmy Schmidt" writer, Tina Fey, is all about girl power, which comes through in the show. There's no reason women can't work hard and accomplish amazing things.
7. You have to find your strength
It's easy to look at everything going wrong in life and want to throw a pity party, but doing that won't solve any of your problems. Give yourself some tough love, get up, and believe that you're bound for greatness.
8. It's okay to have an off day
Even the strongest people have bad days. When they come, celebrate your small victories... even if that victory is accomplishing one small task, like getting out of bed and putting on clothes. You'll get 'em tomorrow.
9. Mental health is more important than appearance
You can be popular, well-liked, and have the most amazing wardrobe and Instagram aesthetic, but none of that matters if you aren't happy with yourself. Taking care of your mental, emotional, and spiritual health should be your number one priority. Everything will fall into place. And if you don't have the best clothes of anyone you know? Who cares? You'll be content with you who are.
10. Always have a comeback ready
While I am not advocating being mean, I firmly believe it is important to have your sarcasm game together. It keeps your mind sharp, it keeps you witty, and some banter between friends is always fun.
11. It's Okay to be independent
Listen up y'all, because I'm about to drop some truth. You do not have to allow anyone to make your decisions for you, mmkay? No. One. Not your parents, not your ministers, not your boyfriends, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, or talking pets. No matter how well-intentioned these people may be, they do not have to live with the consequences of your actions. You do. So make sure your choices bring results you are happy with.
12. You can stand anything for ten seconds
Kimmy herself said this, and it's actually really good advice. Several times when I've been extremely overwhelmed, I've told myself that if I can break my day down into ten second increments, I'll survive. After a few repetitions, my anxiety usually lessens. Magic.
13. Finally, if all else fails, strike a pose