I don't think there was ever a time when I wasn't tired. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I thought to myself, "wow, I have a lot of energy right now" and would pass up a nap. But let's be honest, I would never EVER pass up the chance to nap. That's just how I have always been--sleepy. But to make matters worse, I'm a sleepy girl with a very busy schedule, making my chronic sleepiness a bit of an issue. I would say it's a curse more than a blessing and I envy people who can wake up at a decent hour each morning, rejuvenated from their sleep the night before, and go through the day full of energy.
If you're anything like me and your life revolves around sleep because of your constant sleepiness, you know the struggle. This is a list of things that you can relate to if you are a perpetually tired person.
1. When you've already skipped your Gen-ed English class 8 times this semester and are considering skipping a 9th time.
In bed like: Do I really need this class?
(Via HerCampus.com)
2. You can't survive without your daily nap.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
(Via Giphy)
3. You have two sides:
You without a nap vs. You with a nap.
(Via Giphy)
4. The first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning is when you can go back to sleep.
(Via Giphy)
5. You've fallen asleep in your clothes/work uniform more times than you can count simply because you're so tired.
Every extra minute of sleep counts.
(Via Tumblr)
6. Coffee just doesn't work for you.
It doesn't matter if you have multiple cups or extra added shots, no amount of caffeine can save you.
(Via Giphy)
7. You can fall asleep anywhere and at anytime.
(Via Giphy)
8. A good night's sleep is 12+ hours.
(Via Giphy)
9. You're a pro at hitting the snooze button, it's more of a natural reaction at this point.
You can't even begin to count how many alarms you have slept through.
(Via Giphy)
10. You never dress nice/put on makeup for class because that would require you waking up earlier than you need to.
(Via Giphy)
11. You're probably always late to class, work, etc. because you sleep a little longer than expected.
You convince yourself that you can sleep for 5 more minutes, even if that means you have to be on the other side of campus in 15 minutes.
(Via Giphy)
12. You make plans with friends, but later cancel because you would rather sleep.
(Via Giphy)
13. People ask you if you're sick or O.K. multiple times a day.
Yes, I'm fine I'm just sleepy.
(Via Giphy)