You learn a lot of things in college. From learning that being able to finish a fifth at a frat party (which is one of the best life skills you can have) to learning that going to class drunk is a whole lot better than going to class completely hung over. If I had the chance to go back to the beginning of last year, my freshman year, I would know that it was about to be one of the best years of my life (even with the many, many, many mistakes I made). And, I probably would have avoided some things.... like the guys I may or may not have hooked up with (the frat guys, the DJ, the douchelords) and the many random shots, pulls from many different random vodka and tequila bottles, and jungle juice I was handed at different frat parties (sorry mom and dad). But, you live and you learn, and here are just a few of the things I have learned in college (so far):
Take a lot of pictures and delete none.
Let's be real...some of the best pictures are the ones where you look the worst (because they're usually the ones of the best memories). So... make sure to take photos with your friends at parties, in those gross frat bathroom mirrors, at tailgates/football games/after game parties, and whatever else you can think of. Trust me when I say that you'll be more than thankful that you will be able to look back on all of the bad decisions you made and fun you had with your friends when those pictures were taken.
Finding close girl friends is very important.
You need to find girls you know you will be able to count on.. through the good and bad times. Find girls that will give you their ponytail holder when you've had one too many shots and will yell at boys who screw you over. Those are the girls that will be standing beside you on your wedding day. So hold onto them.
It is only a walk of shame if you're embarrassed.
So own it.
A nap between day drinking and going out at night will actually save your life, so do it.
Trust me on this one.
You will miss the sh*t out of your me.
So, text/call her as much as you can.
How to drink straight from the bottle.
It doesn't matter if it's wine, champagne, vodka or got this.
Themed parties are the sh*t.
So go to them when they're thrown.
Boys will be annoyed when you tell them you don't like beer
...but they'll get over it.
Tequila Tuesday, Wine Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday
Do I need to say more?
ALWAYS pre-game the pre-game
Or you're doing it wrong.
Tailgate and go to the football games!!!
"Win or lose, you should still booze."
The pictures of you chugging a bottle of tequila and dancing on a table seems funny at the time
...they still are.