Long distance is not for the faint of heart. Whether you're in different countries, different schools, or just too far apart, there are a few things that inevitably happen to everyone in a LDR.
1. You only shave when they come into town
Why bother? It's not like you're trying to impress anyone else
2. You pray your Skype connection is clear
And Lord, please don't let the wifi cut out
3. Your best friend becomes your back up boyfriend
She'll hold your hand in scary movies, be your date to functions, and cuddle with you in bed.
4. All your friends feel like they know your significant other, even if they don't
Probably because you won't shut up about them.
5. You learn to be a good communicator
To make a LDR survive, you've gotta be clear and intentional
6. You count down the days until you're together again
The weeks you're apart feel like an eternity and time slows down when you're back with one another.
7. You love going home for the holidays
Food, family, old friends, relaxation, and your SO. Doesn't get much better.
8. You cram as much fun date stuff as possible into one weekend when they come to visit
You've been jealous of all the other people doing couple-y things but now it's your turn!
9. Your relationship is based on more than just the physical
You know them on a deeper level because you talk so much and love them for their heart and personality
10. All your money is spent on gas to go see them
You learn to embrace the road trip experience and celebrate when you find friends to drive with you.
11. Your texts to them are like a private twitter feed and an endless personal narration
Because who else would truly care about what you had for breakfast this morning?
12. You learn the meaning of patience
You realize some things are worth waiting on. Including yourself.
It's an amazing feeling to truly know someone would wait a really long time in order to be with you for a short time. And you feel the same way about them.
13. You know what commitment is
You can't half ass long distance. You go glen coco.