High school is a very important time. You experience new things and sort of figure out who you are. If you went to Valley Central High School, in the small town of Montgomery, NY, you definitely understand these 13 things.
1. Jayme Ginda Baxter telling you to "stay moist" was the highlight of those four years.
She was the worst/best morning announcer
2. Bagels and ranch were a lifestyle, not just a meal.
Bagels for lunch was also the best option when hot lunch sucked
3. The stage in lunch was for seniors only.
And that rule was obediently followed
4. DJ E-Rock
Part time janitor, part-time DJ
5. You spent too much money at the grad store.
And it was usually on fruit snacks
6. Seniors always won powder puff.
And the juniors always swore it was rigged
7. Spirit week/senior week was the best.
Nothing was better than Seniors being Seniors day or character day
8. School fights were the highlight of your day.
Seeing hair on the floor and administration sprint down the hallways was the icing on the cake
9. Spanish serenades were the worst/best thing.
You either sent one to embarrass your best friend, to your significant other, received them from your best friend/significant other/anonymous
10. The website had the worst URL.
What even is this: http://www.vcsd.k12.ny.us/Page/477 ?!
11. Graduation practice was some real BS.
Why did we have to practice walking in like that for two days?
12. #Europe2012 will go down in infamy.
The Europe trip topped everything you had ever done until then
13. The third floor
Enough said