Navigating relationships is hard, but figuring out how deal with a friend who's in a relationship is equally as difficult. Here are some things us friends want those of you in relationships to know:
1. You probably deserve better.
As far as we’re concerned you’re a perfect 10 in every aspect of life. Unless your significant other is particularly special, we probably think you deserve better. After all, you should have the absolute best.
2. We loved you first and we’ll love you after the breakup.
Remember that your friends were there for you before you met your special someone and we’ll be there after it’s over.
3. Spend quality time with us.
We miss having one on one time with you. It would be great if you scheduled time to hang out with us without your significant other. Even if it’s just a weekly dinner or coffee date; it’s important for the friendship.
4. For the love of God keep the PDA to a minimum.
All the touchy-feely stuff isn’t cute; it honestly makes us uncomfortable after a while. Please refrain from making out in front of us on the reg.
5. Don’t blame us for disliking your significant other.
If you just tell us about the bad parts of the relationship, that’s all we have to go on. Chances are, we only hear about the ways your significant other screws up not the good things they do. So we apologize for not being fully on board, but it’s kind of your own fault.
6. We will support your decisions even if we don’t agree with them.
If you want to get back together with the cheating ex we will think you’re crazy, but we’ll be here for you through the ups and downs. It’s your life, and though we might think you’re making mistakes, we have to let you figure it out for yourself.
7. Sometimes we wish you were single.
We miss the days when we could go out with you and not worry about upsetting your other half. We don’t like that group-wine-and-Netflix nights have been replaced with your couple’s-Netflix-and-chill nights.
8. Stay true to yourself.
You’re a fabulous person and we wouldn’t want to see you change to make someone else happy. We think you’re perfect just the way you are.
9. We don’t mind being a third wheel *to an extent*.
It’s really not that bad as long as there’s no PDA or fighting. If you’re cool with us tagging along, we’re happy to do it. Just as long as it’s not every day of the week.
10. You can have fun without your significant other.
You actually miss out on a lot of fun when you leave the party at 11pm or are constantly checking your phone.
11. Try not to let the relationship become your whole life.
You have friends that love you and important commitments outside of your relationship. We worry what will happen if the relationship ends and you have nothing else to depend on.
12. Don’t push us away.
We get that you might need us less now because you have a significant other to rely on, but you will need us if the relationship goes south. You never know what can happen, even with the most rock-solid relationships.
13. We just want you to be happy.
At the end of the day, we love you, and we want what's best for you.