13 Takeaways From Hannah Baker's Tapes That Are NOT Suicide! | The Odyssey Online
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13 Takeaways From Hannah Baker's Tapes That Are NOT Suicide!

Takeaways you may have overlooked due to the word "suicide."

13 Takeaways From Hannah Baker's Tapes That Are NOT Suicide!
Rocket Reporter

I know if your social media feed is anything like mine, which is likely, you have seen an uncanny amount of articles relating to the popular Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. Some good, some bad, but most having to do with suicide.

This is an article that is the exact opposite of that because there is so much more to take away from Hannah Baker's controversial recordings that you are most likely looking over because all you see is SUICIDE.

1. Abuse and neglect happens behind the scenes

Justin Foley, the first crush, first kiss, and who seemed to be the first to start the "slut" rumor is also a victim of both abuse and neglect at home. His hard jock outer shell is just a cover up for the broken boy inside longing for his mother's attention. He is constantly getting abused, both verbally and physically, by his mother's low-life boyfriend and Justin is neglected by his mother to the point that he is often too scared to even come home to sleep in his own house. He is always hungry, he wears the same clothes day-by-day, and he drinks constantly to drown out the pain all around him. The takeaway from Justin is not some rumor that may or may not have started with him, but rather that someone who is neglected at home will be more likely to seek approval from their peers, no matter what that means.

2. Rape can never be justified

This is an obvious one, but it isn't talked about enough. Jessica was raped by Bryce while intoxicated at a party. What started out as an overly intoxicated trip to the bedroom between a boyfriend and girlfriend quickly shifted to a completely unconscious girl getting raped. As if the rape wasn't enough, everyone who knew about the rape covered it up, telling Jessica that she was crazy and the truth was actually a lie. This takeaway, if it isn't obvious enough, is that no one ever deserves to be raped. There is never a situation that can even remotely justify rape, and most of all you cannot just sweep it under the rug like it never happened.

3. No one wants to be the odd man out

Have you ever been in a situation where everyone secluded you? Imagine the "last person to be picked" scenario. This is Tyler Down, or peeping Tom if you will. Aside from his most disturbing habits, all Tyler wanted was to be included in something. Whether it was something as simple as a conversation or more complex like the group who conspired against Clay. Tyler was always rejected, literally pushed away, and ignored as if he was an insect. NO I am not saying that Tyler was not a peeping creep, because he was, but I'm saying that the takeaway from him is that certain people are so excluded that they are driven mad. Tyler was the odd man out, all he wanted was to change that.

4. Parents have no clue what their children face daily

Now I know we have all heard, and some of you reading this may have even said, as a parent that they lived through everything your child is currently going through, but the truth is, you have not. I believe that things will always be remotely the same, however society is something that has increased badly to the extremes. What kids/teens who go to school face on a daily basis can never really be understood unless it is lived personally. Hannah Baker's parents are a prime example of this. They saw the bright, beautiful, and unique daughter all the time because they did not allow themselves to think that otherwise. I know all parents want to believe that they have the happiest children who live the best lives but the truth of the matter is that more times than not these days that is not the case. High school is a brutal time in everyone's life, no matter how happy they try to appear. This takeaway is simple; stop only seeing and hearing what you want to from your child and instead see/hear what is actually going on.

5. Don't be a Mr. Porter

This situation probably made me the most angry when watching this series. Mr. Porter is portrayed during the reality of the show to be a concerned and caring character who truly does wish only to provide guidance, however he is seen entirely different when it comes to the flashbacks of the tapes. He so easily dismissed Hannah literally telling him she wanted to kill herself. Now I know he wasn't the one who caused her to kill herself, because that is a decision that the individual makes on their own, however his lack of interest did not help the situation at all. The takeaway here is as simple as it is stated above. If you are in a position where kids/teens look to you for guidance or even if you are in any power of authority you know you are closely looked at. Don't F that up. Don't be a Mr. Porter.

6. Don't rely on tomorrow

I think the biggest fault within the character of Clay was that he waited. While it's painfully true, I am not referring to the speed at which he chose to listen to the tapes, instead I am referring to his constant reliance on tomorrow. He waited to listen to the tapes, he waited to tell Hannah his feelings, he waited to stand up to the rumors, he waited to tell his mother the truth, just as he waited to accept that what he was hearing was absolutely true. All these things sucked, but they aren't really what we should take away from Clay, instead the true takeaway lies in the fact that tomorrow is not promised. You never know what could happen within seconds much less days, this is proven when Clay no longer has a "tomorrow" with Hannah because she ends her life during a "today."


Ugh. Can I quote the almost annoying tweet and say; "say it again for the people in the back..." I absolutely hate it when other people are the butt of someone's jokes. Is it honestly worth messing someone up internally for 5 seconds of laughter? Bryce sharing the picture of Hannah, Clay sharing the picture of Tyler and Alex's "best ass" comment are just a few of the examples from this series where stupid actions were made to hurt someone else only to get a laugh out of someone else. Is that really what jokes have come to? This takeaway; don't sacrifice someone else's feelings just to make a joke.

8. Karma is, in fact, a bitch

If it hasn't been proven to you before, it definitely should have been as you watched this series. From the investigation, Tyler's terrifying gun stash, to Jenny's hit and run incident that ultimately may or may not have killed Jeff. Your actions will be accounted for and handled accordingly, this takeaway is clear.

9. Losing a friendship can be worse than losing a relationship

I am a strong believer in this. I have had a many of close friendships to fail and it honestly hurt me worse than any break up ever has. Hannah's friendship between Jessica and Alex meant everything to her as did their coffee shop meetings. It was a bond that could never be replaced and when it ended a piece of her could never really get over it. We all know how this goes, we've all been through it, and if you say you haven't then you are rare and lucky. Hold on to your friendships, don't throw them away over something as stupid as who has the "best ass" because in the end, it's not worth it. The takeaway here is to know that a friendship can weigh heavier on the heart than a relationship. Remember that the next time you decide to be done with someone.

10. Spreading a rumor is just as bad as starting one

I shouldn't even have to touch on this one, because it is such a grade school concept, yet it is one of the biggest problems in society still today. I'm only going to say this, to avoid incidents such as Courtney adding to the rumors that Hannah was a lesbian, just keep your mouth shut. Brush off rumors, don't add to their power.

11. Never give up on something you believe in

Although it was hard for Hannah's parents to pursue the investigation of the cause behind their daughters death they never gave up. It cost them financially, socially, personally, and physically but they never gave up. I cannot imagine being in their shoes. Walking in on their bloody daughter and not knowing the reason behind her death. Finally, after weeks of pushing through the investigation had started and they finally had in their possession the tapes of their daughter's experiences. It can be found in more places of this series other than just Hannah's parents, but the takeaway is to not give up on anything you believe strongly to be worth while.

12. Pain can never just dissappear

I know, I know, you've heard this before, but I couldn't not mention suicide in this article because inevitable now when you hear 13 Reasons Why or even the name Hannah Baker the first thing that pops into your head is that unsightly image of Hannah in the bathtub because you associate everything in this series with suicide, makes sense, I do it to, but I challenge you not to do that anymore. Nevertheless, here's my takeaway; if you kill yourself, you are just giving a share of your pain to every single person who knew you.

13. It's never just entertainment

We read books and watch movies and shows for what seems to be simply entertainment purposes and while that may be what originated our interest in certain things, it is not the purpose intended. Something meaningful can be found in every song, every TV show, every movie and every book. No matter the genre or theme there are always takeaways intended to be discovered. Just as the story of Hannah Baker, no matter how you reacted to watching it, it made you think about things, unpleasant things I'm sure, but nonetheless you got something out of it and if you didn't maybe this post will help put certain things into perspective.

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