Ever talk to that person who complains about their near perfect natural hair, while staring at your crazy, frizzy, and unruly hair? Yeah, I totally feel you. Dealing with unmanageable hair is a hassle. Here are some struggles that people with crazy hair can relate to:
1. You spend a lot of time styling it, finally ready to face the world. Thirty minutes after you step outside, especially if you have frizzy hair, it seems as if you didn't even try.
Story of my life.
.2. You end up tying your hair in a pony tail, bun, or braid if you don't have time to fix your hair.
This is the safest option for both my confidence and your eyes.
3. You have a whole shelf of products that have made countless false promises.
Anti-frizz, alcohol-free, curl perfecting, damage control...and the list just goes on and on.
4. If you have long hair, you have definitely wanted to cut it short at least once. However, you back out fairly quickly when you just imagine how hard it would be to manage your hair if it was short.
Won't get time to blow-dry or straighten my hair that often, so I'd rather play it safe and keep it at a length that can be tied back when needed.
5. You've actually tried to cut your hair short, but managing it was not as easy as you thought.
I remember when I decided to donate my hair and cut off 11 inches. My hair was very short and reached the middle of my neck. It looked nice when I got it made, but once I got out of the shower and my hair dried, it was horrendous.
6.When you tell people that you have done everything to control your hair, they ask you if you tried using conditioner.
The answer to that is: DUH. Obviously I condition my hair. It is not an option, it is a necessity. Either way, NOTHING WORKS!
7. You go to the salon to get your hair done and the stylist tells you that Keratin smoothing treatment normally lasts a person at least four months. You silently rejoice, thinking that God has answered all your prayers. Wrong.
Two months later, your hair is as frizzy as it was before. Only my luck.
8. When you tell people that you have done everything to control your hair, they suggest that you brush your hair more.
WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. That is the biggest mistake I'd ever commit in my life.
9.When someone compliments your hair after you spent hours fixing it, you feel like crying tears of extreme joy.
10. You find strands of your hair literally any and everywhere.
11. And when you clean your hair brush, you have a mini panic attack.
12. It doesn't matter if you forget to wear your jewelry. You will never forget to wear extra hair ties on your hand.
13. Your hair is the decider of your mood.
And that is precisely why it is so important to you, no matter how annoying it can be.