In light of the ESPY Awards this past week, I thought I would write about what it is like to be a women’s college golfer. There is a small bunch of us females that golf in college or that want to (shout out to my baby high school golfers,) and while this may not be a very relatable list for the general public, it may give you insight as to how the greatest 1% of the population lives - that is, the struggles and journeys of women's college golfers. I've been golfing competitively going on nine years, and all of these things are all too relevant in my daily life. Every single thing on this list I'm sure a female golfer has heard or experienced. Enjoy.
1. "Golf isn't a sport."
This is the most common line from anyone that finds out you golf. After a 5 hour long practice of walking miles and miles, with sweat pouring down your face, this is the last thing you, as a golfer, want to hear.
2. A boy thinks it is cute that you golf until he comes to your golf tournament.
Sorry.. I probably should have told you that you had to stand in a polo and khakis in 90 degree weather for 6 hours watching a sport you completely don’t understand... but you like me still, right?
3. As a matter of fact, golf is not really a spectator sport anyways.
Every golfer wishes that she had a crowd to cheer at her good shots, but you don’t blame them for not coming.
4. "Our school has a women's golf team?"
A.K.A “I didn’t know women golfed.” A.K.A “No one cares that we have a women’s golf team.”
5. "Old men play golf. It can't be that hard."
Tell that to the girl in the tournament I went to last week that threw her golf club in the lake because she was so frustrated at her mean hook... but for real, golf is hard. I have been playing for eight years and I still have new struggles every day.
6. Struggling to find cute golf clothes.. Because they don't exist.
7. "Where have you been all day?"
8. Handling missing class for a four-day tournament like a boss.
9. It is You vs Nature... and nature always wins.
This is a biggie. Golf is really the only sport where you play nature. Or better, nature plays YOU. Whether the grass isn't thick enough or too thick, whether it is 90 degrees and humid or 25 degrees and snowing, you must play. And then there's always that one time your ball gets stuck in a tree root and you have to take the stroke penalty because it is impossible to hit.
10. That one girl you play with that always tries to *edit* her score.
Let's face it, girls are dramatic. And we've all played that one girl in a tournament that tries to cheat. You watched her chunk her chip three times to get on the green and she still swears that she had a par. Mmmhmm.
11. When you're in a tournament and your coach shows up with snacks and swing advice... but mostly snacks.
Your coach's face is good to see if you've been playing poorly. But your coach's golf cart full of Rice Krispies Treats and Nutter Butter is a God send if you've been playing poorly. Food makes everything better.
12. Becoming way too close to your team members.
You get tired of always being with such a close-knit group of girls. Just like any sports team, things may get catty or dramatic, but since your team is so small, you have to face the fact that these girls are going to be in your life. And honestly, you wouldn't trade having them around 24/7 for the world. Because despite the differences you have, you love them, and you are a part of a small group of women that play a wonderful, wonderful sport. You've got to stick together.
13. Learning to love the game of golf.
No matter the frustrations, pains, and struggles of playing golf, especially as a female, you love the game. You'll be able to play it for the rest of your life, unlike other sports. And since there's so much college money for female golfers, you know you're the most set up college athlete there is. If you can put up with the daily struggles, you really are a true golfer.