STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. At universities, they tend to get lumped together in respective colleges of engineering and sciences (an establishment for which my particular university is well known). Going to a school like mine where the STEM programs are top-notch, you meet a lot of intelligent people, and if you're lucky, you start to date one.
It's fun and exciting like any new relationship, but you're also intrigued by the intellectual stimulation. Finally, you've met someone with whom you can have intelligent conversations, who can teach you things, and who—let's be honest—is going places in life. It seems like the total package, but once you get right down to it, there are some struggles you may find yourself facing.
The characters of "The Big Bang Theory" consist of two theoretical physicists, an aerospace engineer, an astrophysicist, a microbiologist, and a neuroscientist (and of course, an aspiring actress, just to round things out). Who better to use to explain the daily struggles of dealing with the exceptional little humans?
1. So many references go without being understood.
Sometimes I hear science talk and then you lose me.
2. School comes first.
One hundred percent of the time, whether you're around or not.
3. Sometimes they make you feel stupid.
It's never intentional (or it shouldn't be—if it is, you shouldn't be with them) and they usually don't realize they're coming off as pretentious at all. You just have to remind yourself they aren't trying to make you feel insecure.
4. Most of the time, you can't impress them with your own knowledge.
But, that doesn't stop you from trying! And every now and then, you'll surprise them.
5. In the same way, sometimes they'll surprise you when you've almost forgotten they have "real world" knowledge.
And yeah, it's equally adorable.
6. More likely than not, they're at least kind of socially awkward.
But you don't mind dealing with it, because you think it's kind of cute.
7. They may have a hard time expressing their emotions.
They look at the world differently, so they may overlook things that other people see as normal.
8. But they always find a way to show you their affection.
It seems weird from the outside, but it makes sense to the two of you.
9. They're constantly thinking critically and trying to solve problems, even when you don't want them to be.

Sometimes when I'm sad, I just want to lay in bed and watch "Grey's." Stop trying to analyze that.
10. They get weirdly obsessive about random things.
Being in a major that requires the utmost precision in order for what you're doing to work properly, such precision just becomes a lifestyle. STEM majors will go to annoyingly great lengths to measure the appropriate amount of flour when you're just trying to bake a cake.
11. You don't understand their hobbies.
Whether it's video games or building computers, you don't really see the appeal.
12. Or how hilariously unapologetic they are about said hobbies.
And they shouldn't be sorry for what they enjoy, even if it isn't a common hobby.
13. Despite all their weirdness, you can't help but love them.
And you're proud to call them yours!