Book lovers are a very diverse group of people. We come in all shapes, sizes, ages and colors. We spread across the world. The one thing we have in common other than loving books is that we all struggle with the same things.
1. There is never enough room for your books on the bookshelf.
No matter the size of your bookshelf or how you organize your books, you will always need more room.
2. The next book in a series sometimes takes years to come out.
I mean, come on! Why would an author leave us in such suspense?
3. Books are not cheap.
It's tough to decide between a fantastic library and no money or a pathetic one and lots of money. Hmm.. Side note: Book sales and second hand stores are beautiful book treasuries that see books pretty cheap. But I'm sure you already knew that.
4. Taking a book everywhere leads to curious glances and weird looks.
Yes, I'm taking a book with me to a concert. So what? I might find time to read it. Have a five minute ride to the mall? Definitely bringing my book because that's plenty of time to read.
5. It's hard to find a purse or a bag that fits all the books you want to take with you everywhere.
There seems to be no purse in between a body bag and a clutch that is actually cute and functions well as a library bag.
6. Getting a library like Belle from Beauty and the Beast isn't a reasonable goal.
As much as we would all love to have such a fantastic library as that, very few people can actually have it. Guess we're going to have to stick to simple IKEA bookshelves.
7. There are 18 started books in your bookshelf, and you have no clue which one you want to finish first.
8. People always want to borrow your books.
I love it when people ask me to read a book I own, but I hate giving it away because they are precious to me. And, sometimes the books don't come back in their original condition.
9. Because people are always borrowing your books, you never know where they are.
I have torn apart my room looking for a book before realizing that I lent it to someone. Talk about a heart attack.
10. There are no new books to read at the library because you've already read them.
Better luck next time.
11. You frequently fall in love with a fictional character and compare them to everyone.
12. Then you realize that there is no chance with them.
13. Hearing someone say they don't like to read and immediately feeling offended.
You trash talk my books, you trash talk me!
At the end of the day, these struggles are nothing in comparison to the reward we get when reading our beloved books.