The new Netflix original series, Stranger Things, has quickly become a hit- resulting in many (and I mean many) memes that only people who have watched will understand. So grab a box of Eggo Waffles and let's take a look at some of the best, hilarious memes that will be sure to make you chuckle.
Who doesn't need a lifetime supply of Eggo Waffles anyway? #priorities
2. Loyalty is key, folks.
3. The struggle is real.
4. Stranger Things or E.T.? I'll let you decide.
5. Wil Byers: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
6. You can run but you can at least try to hide, right?
7. This is the most difficult question you'll ever be asked.
8. Is this a deleted scene from the music video for We Will Rock You or?
9. When you try to go on a diet but french fries exist:
10. Who needs other clothes when you have this?!
11. This Arthur meme says it all.
12. An A for effort, right?
13. Boys can wear wigs too, ya know.