Staying in your college town over the summer can be great. Whether it's for a job or internship, or if you just didn't want to go home, summer is awesome. Go have fun, despite the ups and downs.
1. Whoo hoo!!! This is going to be great. I'm going to work a little and have loads of fun.
I'm going to the pool every afternoon, going hiking, going to read all these books, and going to have all these adventures!
2. Alright friends, let's go do all this awesome summer stuff! Wait, you're going where? Home? Away for an internship??
What am I supposed to do without you?
3. What now???
What have I done? Why have I agreed to stay in this ghost town? Who will I talk to?
4. I guess Netflix is cool.
How many seasons can I watch in a night? What about a weekend? What show should I start next?
5. Maybe I should use this time to pick up a new hobby.
Should I learn to cook, like really cook? Maybe I should sew. Or, I could take up dancing or working out. On second thought,
6. Ok, going to work again. At least I'm not alone at work, and it's something to do.
7. Moooooom! I'm going home this weekend.
I want a home-cooked meal, and people that love me. Maybe Mom will even give be some gas money.
8. Alright. That's it. I'm going to find the few humans left in this town, and we are going to have fun.
Pool party at my apartment!!!!
10. Now, I know why I wanted to stay here.
This is kind of fun once you interact with other humans.
11. I miss all my friends, though.
Fear not, August is coming. It's so close!
12. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. FRIENDS!!
You guys came back! You really did!!